While we welcome your input to help make this website better for users, bear in mind that most of our underlying data comes from other sources. This means that there are some errors that cannot be corrected here, you will need to get it changed at the underlying source:
Spelling mistakes, typos and other errors in the statutory listing text for any building (that's the building name, plus the text in the box under the "Listing Text" tab). This information comes from the original records kept by Historic England, Historic Scotland and Cadw, and is what was recorded at the time that the building was placed on the register.
Incorrect geographic coordinates. These are taken from the official spatial datasets published by the heritage authorities, so any errors are their responsibility.
Historic England has a system in place for dealing with minor amendments, such as spelling mistakes in the text and incorrect geographic coordinates. You can find out more about that at their Minor Amendments page.
Cadw and Historic Scotland do not have a formal process for minor amendments, but you can contact them via their websites:
Amendments to the official listing data will be picked up by our system once it has been included in the published data from the official sources. Because of the very large amount of data involved, BritishListedBuildings.co.uk does not update every single entry every day! Typically, changes will ripple through to this site within a month of being published.
If you notice that a change has been made on the official source data, but is still wrong here after more than a month has passed since publication, then please get in touch and we'll try to fix it.
External links and tags are taken from the relevant Wikidata entries for listed buildings. Tags reflect the subjective opinion of Wikidata editors, not the listing authorities or British Listed Buildings. If you want to add or update an external link, or edit the tags, you will need to edit the entry at Wikidata.
This site uses a variety of different mapping providers, and any errors in their maps are their own responsibility.
Google Maps has a "suggest an edit" facility that you can use to submit suggested corrections. You can find out more about that on their website.
OpenStreetMap is an open source map that you can edit directly if you sign up for an account. Just click on the "Edit" link at the top of the page.
If you feel that a comment is inappropriate, use the "flag this comment" link on the comment itself. This will then be reviewed by a site moderator, and action will be taken accordingly.
This site allows users to upload their own photographs of listed buildngs. We are not in a position to check each submitted photo to ensure that it is actually of the building it purports to be, or that the submitter has the authority to publish it on this site. So it is possible that photographs may be displayed which are either incorrectly described or in breach of the creator's copyright. We welcome corrections of either of these, but would ask that you follow these simple guidelines when doing so:
Incorrectly described or misattributed photographs. If a photo is incorractly attributed or misdescribed, please flag it for moderator attention.
Photographs which breach our listing guidelines. Our guidelines stipulate that all photos of occupied residential properties must either have been taken from a publicly accessible place or with the permission of the land owner. We also require that, unless permission has been given, photos do not include recognisable individuals or images of private areas such as the interior of residential buildings. If you see a photo which breaches these guidelines, then please flag it for moderator attention.
Important! We will not remove a photo just because you do not want a photo of your house on the Internet. UK law does not give property owners or occupants the right to control or restrict photography of their property.
The fastest way to notify us of inaccurate or inappropriate photographs is by using the "Image is wrong/inappropriate" link on the photo page:
Notifications sent via email may not receive immediate attention, and will not be responded to.
Infringement of Copyright. If you are the rights holder, or the appointed agent of a the rights holder, of a photo that has been submitted to this site without permission then please provide the following information:
Note to US-based rightsholders and agents: BritishListedBuildings.co.uk is owned by a UK-based company and hosted in the UK, and hence the Digital Millennium Copyright Act is not applicable. The relevent legislation is the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, and we would recommend that you take some time to study that if you are not already familiar with it. However, for the sake of convenience, we will accept infringement notifications which would be acceptable under the DMCA.
Copyright infringement notices should be sent to copyright {at} britishlistedbuildings.co.uk.