It is my will that those almes be given unto poore people that can make testimony of there faith, not for merit but for Christe sake, and learne this question following quest. What ys your faith in Christ? ans. I believe when Adam through temtation of the divell fell from God to sinne & wickednes, our Saviour Jesus Christ came down fr'o' heaven, & by his just life did fulfillthe lawe in man's behalf, & on good friday died upon the crosse to pay the debt & ransome for man's syn, to pacifie God's wrath, & to reconcile man againe unto him; all this doe I steadfastly beleve that Christ hath done for me; & I am certenly assured upon my true repentance yt the whole worke of my redemption is as frely wrought in me by his death as though I had done it myselfe; this my faith, wherein I hope to be saved
faith, hope & love, the three-folde coarde of life,
devided by the fatall sisters' knife,
To Saintes & men on earth, God in heaven,
thus tri-partate hath ancient Langeford given,
whose alms-deeds, vigils embers, praiers, & teares
nu'berd his howres, his daies, months, weekes & yeares,
And with his fortunes-numbers did accorde;
much spent, much lent, forgiven & restor'd.
which he received in heaven with the Just
Lo there his spirit lives- heere lyes his dust
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on 24 October 2019
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