IIBont Newydd Carrying a minor road over a right tributary of the Gwendraeth Fach, 400m north of Gors farmhouse, one of two bridges near the entrance to Aberdauddwr.
II*Capel Bigawdin Attached to a field wall S of Wern-las Farm, approximately 2km SE of Llanddarog village.
IIChurch of St Twrog In a round churchyard in the centre of the village, on the N side of the B4310.
IILlethr Llestri Approximately 1.1km SW of Llanddarog, in its own grounds and reached by private road on the SE side of a minor road between Llanddarog and Cwmisfael.
IIOld House at Garn Farm On the E side of the farmyard, immediately E of the old house with cow house.
IIOld house, with attached cow house, at Garn Farm Approximately 2.4km SSE of Llanddarog, reached by farm road on the W side of a minor road S of Porthyrhyd. The old house and cow house are on the E side of the modern house.
IIThe White Hart Immediately W of the parish church, on the NE side of the B4310.