C15/C16 cruck house, remodelled in C18.
One-and-a-half storeys, long range with former cowhouses at west end. House has large square panel timber framing with brick infill over rubble base, rubble gable end incorporating stack with moulded cap (shows raised roofline to rear), large ridge stack at west end. Three eaves dormers to each elevation, central boarded door, multi-light, small- paned casement windows. Cowhouse range is rubble stone with boarded doors and random small-paned casements. Stone tile roof.
One cruck couple partially exposed at the west end, has notched lap- jointed collar and appears to be smoke blackened on both sides with no original infill. The later inserted chimney stack is built up against it. Early C18 large open fireplace with rough chamfered timber lintel and bread oven (opening modified), chamfered and scroll stopped beams and moulded wall post in west room. East end rooms modified in later C18 and again in recent years, modern stairs. Former cowhouses have rough stud partition walls and trusses with paired raking braces. One wall incorporates earlier square panel framing.
Reasons for Listing
Included as a picturesque cottage range with substantial sub-medieval fabric.
Uploaded by Mieke Berkelaar on 9 December 2018
Photo ID: 219520
Building ID: 300015346
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