IICelynen Collieries Workmen's Institute Near the centre of town, on a corner site with Meredith Terrace,fronting the main thoroughfare leading westwards out of town.
II*Church of Our Lady of Peace and attached Presbytery On the N edge of Newbridge, near the border with the Crumlin Community, on the W hillside of and overlooking the Ebbw Valley. Set on a walled terrace with gate piers and terraced steps, incorporating
IIChurch of St Paul On the main E/W thoroughfare through Newbridge leading to Pontllanfraith, surrounded by lawn, yard and church hall to rear.
II*Cwmdows Farmhouse Aligned N/S at right angles to the road, set on a platform in the hillside and now surrounded by C19 and later housing development.
IIFormer School Room, New Bethel, and attached wall On the steep lane, the boundary between Newbridge and Pontllanfraith communities, ascending from the valley to Mynyddiswlyn; opposite New Bethel Chapel.
IIPentwyn-isaf On the hillside on the W slope of Cwm Dows, in NW part of the community, reached by a farm track from Field's Park Road,
IIPreswylfa On a corner site with Hall's Road, facing the main thoroughfare, at the end of a terrace towards the west of the town.