IIAberhafesp Hall Located at the end of a short driveway leading N off the B4568. Set within gardens stretching towards the East, with a former coach house to the rear.
IIChurch of St.Gwynnog At the E end of the village, N of the B4568 and the Severn Valley, in a slightly raised position.
IICogan Cottage Located to the E of the church and the village on the W side of the B4568 set down from the road, approaching the flood plain of the River Severn.
IIFachwen Located at the end of a track c 0.6 km from a road leading from Aberhafesp to Bettws.
IILodge Farm Located to the E of the church and the village on the W side of the B4568 set down from the road, approaching the flood plain of the River Severn.
IIPentre Located on the N side of the B4568 at the W end of Aberhafesp village. The house is positioned on a slope with the entrance facing down hill. It has a roughly circular front garen with orchards beyon
IITy'n y Cwm Off the E side of a narrow lane which leads NW from the hamlet of Bethel. Located alongside a stream in a low lying position with a steep hill to the rear. Accessed via a footpath.