Tags are auto-generated from Wikidata entries. Tags reflect the subjective opinion of Wikidata editors, not the listing authorities or British Listed Buildings. Not all listed buildings have a Wikidata entry, and not all Wikidata entries have data that can be used to generate tags.
AA box
(14 tagged buildings)
Telephone booth provided by the UK Automoble Association
(113 tagged buildings)
Monastery or convent, under the authority of an abbot or an abbess
Abbey church
(3 tagged buildings)
Church of an abbey (monastery), seat of an abbot
(19 tagged buildings)
Trough for watering animals
(4 tagged buildings)
Substructure at the ends of a bridge span or dam supporting its superstructure
Academic archive
(3 tagged buildings)
Archive of a higher education institution
Academic department
(4 tagged buildings)
Sub-faculty in university or other academic institution
Academic hall of the University of Oxford
(1 tagged buildings)
Former educational institutions within the University of Oxford
Academic institution
(1 tagged buildings)
Educational institution dedicated to education and research
Academic library
(12 tagged buildings)
Library attached to a higher education institution
Academy school
(35 tagged buildings)
English school operated in the private sector and directly funded by central government
Accommodation bridge
(26 tagged buildings)
Acoustic mirror
(2 tagged buildings)
Technology for detecting incoming enemy aircraft, used before radar was developed
Adam style
(2 tagged buildings)
Neoclassical style of interior design and architecture
Administrative building
(17 tagged buildings)
Building for administrative usage
Adrien Alban Tournachon
(1 tagged buildings)
French photographer and artist (1825-1903)
Adult cinema
(2 tagged buildings)
Type of cinema
Advanced Organisation and Saint Hill
(1 tagged buildings)
Scientology advanced organisation
(1 tagged buildings)
Classical architectural motive with a sacred or funeral function which exists of a structure shaped like a tabernacle
(2 tagged buildings)
Location from which aircraft flight operations take place
Agricultural building
(9 tagged buildings)
Building used for agricultural purposes
Agricultural college
(1 tagged buildings)
Institute of higher education specialising in agriculture
Agricultural college
(1 tagged buildings)
Institute of higher education specialising in agriculture
Agricultural structure
(3,427 tagged buildings)
Building used in agricultural production
Air-raid shelter
(13 tagged buildings)
Structure which protects against enemy attacks from the air
(4 tagged buildings)
Aerodrome used by a military force for the operation of military aircraft
(1 tagged buildings)
Location where aircraft take off and land with extended support facilities, mostly for commercial air transport
Airport terminal
(3 tagged buildings)
Airport facility where passengers move between air and ground transportation vessels
Airship hangar
(1 tagged buildings)
Specialized buildings that are used for sheltering airships
All-through school
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of school
(1 tagged buildings)
Straight route with a line of trees or large shrubs running along each side
(1 tagged buildings)
Narrow street
(1 tagged buildings)
(729 tagged buildings)
Charitable housing
(3 tagged buildings)
Structure upon which offerings such as sacrifices are made for religious purposes
Altare della Patria
(1 tagged buildings)
Monument built in honour of Victor Emmanuel II of Italy
Ambassador's residence
(2 tagged buildings)
Residence of an ambassador. This building is often used for diplomatic and social gatherings less formal than at the embassy
Ambulance station
(1 tagged buildings)
A structure or other area set aside for storage of ambulance vehicles
(1 tagged buildings)
Open-air venue used for entertainment and performances
Amusement arcade
(5 tagged buildings)
Place to play video games and other coin operated games
Amusement park
(2 tagged buildings)
Park with rides and attractions
Ancient city
(1 tagged buildings)
City in historical records
Ancient monument
(1 tagged buildings)
Monument of ancient days
Ancient Roman architecture
(4 tagged buildings)
Architecture of the ancient Romans
Ancient Roman structure
(7 tagged buildings)
Building created by the Romans
Ancient trackway
(1 tagged buildings)
Any track or trail whose origin is lost in antiquity
Ancillary building
(4 tagged buildings)
Buildings which are generally not found standing alone, but exist to "serve" another building or installation
Anglican church building
(9 tagged buildings)
Church building in the Anglican Communion
Anglican or episcopal cathedral
(56 tagged buildings)
Churches that are the seat of bishops of the Anglican communion
Anglo-Saxon architecture
(36 tagged buildings)
Architectural style
Animal pound
(90 tagged buildings)
Place where stray livestock were impounded
(2 tagged buildings)
Subsidiary supplementary structures, whether additions to a main building or separate from it, but usually visibly distinct and often with a separate entrance
Anti Aircraft Battery
(3 tagged buildings)
Fixed site with multiple anti-aircraft guns
Anti-tank obstacle
(1 tagged buildings)
Antique shop
(26 tagged buildings)
Retail store specializing in the selling of antiques
(6 tagged buildings)
Self-contained housing unit occupying part of a building
Apartment building
(141 tagged buildings)
Multiunit residential dwelling
(1 tagged buildings)
Place containing beehives of honey bees
Apostolic nunciature
(1 tagged buildings)
Official diplomatic representation of the Holy See
(2,111 tagged buildings)
Annex to a construction, as a distinct building or a secondary part of the main one
Apple Store
(2 tagged buildings)
Retail store chain for Apple products
(181 tagged buildings)
Structure constructed to convey water
(8 tagged buildings)
Bridges for transporting water or boats
(34 tagged buildings)
Covered walk enclosed by a line of arches on one or both sides
(77 tagged buildings)
Vertical curved structure that spans a space and may or may not support a load
Arch bridge
(122 tagged buildings)
Bridge type characterized by its supporting arches
Archaeological museum
(1 tagged buildings)
Museum specializing in archaeological artefacts
Archaeological site
(116 tagged buildings)
Place (or group of physical sites) in which evidence of past activity is preserved
Archbishop's palace
(1 tagged buildings)
Residence designated for an archbishop
Architectural ensemble
(18 tagged buildings)
Group of multiple related objects, such as buildings
Architectural heritage monument
(3 tagged buildings)
Type of cultural heritage monuments (buildings)
Architectural model
(1 tagged buildings)
Scale model built to study aspects of an architectural design or to communicate design ideas
Architectural sculpture
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of sculpture
Architectural structure
(61,140 tagged buildings)
Human-designed and -made structure
(13 tagged buildings)
Agency or institution responsible for the preservation and communication of records selected for permanent preservation
Archive building
(1 tagged buildings)
Building that houses an archives, which is an institution that stores and preserves non-active public records or other historical documents
(145 tagged buildings)
The passage ("way") under an arch
Area of London
(1 tagged buildings)
District of London, United Kingdom
(2 tagged buildings)
Place where arms and ammunition are made and stored
(1 tagged buildings)
Place for arms and ammunition
Art collection
(4 tagged buildings)
Set of artworks
Art college
(1 tagged buildings)
Art dealer
(1 tagged buildings)
Company that buys and sells works of art
Art Deco
(72 tagged buildings)
Influential visual arts design style which first appeared in France during the 1920s
Art Deco architecture
(15 tagged buildings)
Architectural style
Art exhibition
(1 tagged buildings)
Organized presentation and display of works of art
Art gallery
(39 tagged buildings)
Place where art is exhibited and sometimes also sold
Art library
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of library dedicated to art
Art museum
(90 tagged buildings)
Building or space for the exhibition of art
Art Nouveau
(50 tagged buildings)
International philosophy and style of art, architecture and applied art
Art Nouveau architecture
(50 tagged buildings)
Architectural style
Art school
(6 tagged buildings)
Educational institution with a primary focus on the visual arts
Artificial animal shelter
(1 tagged buildings)
Man-made construction for animals
Artificial cave
(2 tagged buildings)
Structure built by humans intended to imitate caves
Artificial entity
(1 tagged buildings)
Anything created by humans (either material or mental)
Artillery battery
(50 tagged buildings)
Artillery fort
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of fortification
Artillery gun
(1 tagged buildings)
Artillery weapon which fires a projectile using a propellant with greater power than personal firearms
Artillery magazine
(5 tagged buildings)
Place of storage for ammunition or other explosive material
Artist-run space
(1 tagged buildings)
Organisation initiated and run by artists
Arts and Crafts movement
(55 tagged buildings)
International design movement
Arts centre
(90 tagged buildings)
Functional community centre with a specific remit to encourage arts
Arts College
(1 tagged buildings)
Arts venue
(8 tagged buildings)
Place where artistic works are displayed or performed
Ash house
(26 tagged buildings)
Outbuilding to store the ash of the open fires in a house at night
Assay office
(1 tagged buildings)
Institution set up to assay (test the purity of) precious metals
Assembly hall
(3 tagged buildings)
Conference space, mainly in schools and universities
Assembly plant
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of factory
Assembly room
(15 tagged buildings)
Public gathering space in which social events and balls were held
Association football venue
(3 tagged buildings)
Sports venue purposed mainly for association football (or soccer)
Astronomical museum
(1 tagged buildings)
Museum specialising in astronomy
Astronomical observatory
(8 tagged buildings)
Location used for observing celestial events
Auction house
(7 tagged buildings)
Place or business where auctions are held
(2 tagged buildings)
Room for an audience to hear and watch performances
Australian Government body
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of organisation forming part of the Australian federal government
Australian High Commission
(1 tagged buildings)
High Commission of Australia to a Commonwealth country
(13 tagged buildings)
Large enclosure confining birds