Tags are auto-generated from Wikidata entries. Tags reflect the subjective opinion of Wikidata editors, not the listing authorities or British Listed Buildings. Not all listed buildings have a Wikidata entry, and not all Wikidata entries have data that can be used to generate tags.
Back-to-back houses
(4 tagged buildings)
Form of terraced house
(70 tagged buildings)
Building for baking bread
(23 tagged buildings)
Establishment that produces and sells flour-based food baked in an oven
Ballet school
(2 tagged buildings)
(8 tagged buildings)
Large rooms designed for formal dancing or any room in which balls are routinely held
(54 tagged buildings)
Architectural element comprising a run of balusters (spindles) supporting hand rail coping
(102 tagged buildings)
Structure designed to accommodate bands during concerts
(73 tagged buildings)
Financial institution
Bank barn
(7 tagged buildings)
Barn accessible at ground level on two separate levels
Bank branch
(7 tagged buildings)
Retail location of a bank, credit union, or other financial institution
Bank building
(1,496 tagged buildings)
Buildings that house establishments for the custody of money received from, or on behalf of, customers, with the essential duty of payment of the orders given on it by the customers
Banqueting house
(2 tagged buildings)
Type of building and part of Tudor and Early Stuart English architecture
Baptismal font
(22 tagged buildings)
Large basins or other vessels set in or on the ground or fixed on a pedestal and intended for use in the baptismal rite
Baptist school
(1 tagged buildings)
School operated by a Baptist church or organisation
(19 tagged buildings)
Establishment serving alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises
Bar-stayed bridge
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of bridge
(1 tagged buildings)
Place where men get their hair cut
Barking house
(1 tagged buildings)
Building used to treat fishing nets by immersion in a tannin-rich bark extract, 'cutch', obtained from India
(1 tagged buildings)
Form of medieval and later defensive enclosure; Scots word
(13,931 tagged buildings)
Agricultural building used for storage and as a covered workplace, may contain a livestock housing section
(1 tagged buildings)
Enclosed or open area of land, a yard, adjoined to a barn
(6 tagged buildings)
Cultural movement, starting around 1600
Baroque architecture
(14 tagged buildings)
Building style of the Baroque era
Baroque revival
(17 tagged buildings)
Architectural movement
(51 tagged buildings)
Buildings or sets of buildings erected as common living quarters for groups of soldiers or workers
Bascule bridge
(13 tagged buildings)
Moveable bridge using a counterweight to balance a span through its upward swing to let boats move underneath
(1 tagged buildings)
Building type of a church
Bastle house
(14 tagged buildings)
Fortified house of the Anglo-Scottish border
(4 tagged buildings)
Public establishment dedicated to hygiene
Bathing lake
(1 tagged buildings)
Natural or artificial lake used for public bathing and swimming
(1 tagged buildings)
Artillery unit size designation
Battery tower
(1 tagged buildings)
Defensive tower
(1 tagged buildings)
Body of water connected to an ocean or lake, formed by an indentation of the shoreline
(18 tagged buildings)
Mark of maritime navigation
Beam bridge
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of bridge
Bear pit
(3 tagged buildings)
(5 tagged buildings)
Expresses the academic 19th century architectural style; art style
Bed and breakfast
(7 tagged buildings)
Small lodging establishment
Bee bole
(14 tagged buildings)
Beer shop
(1 tagged buildings)
(3 tagged buildings)
Structure enclosing bells for ringing as part of building, usually as part of a bell tower or steeple
Bell foundry
(1 tagged buildings)
Company where bells are cast
Bell tower
(20 tagged buildings)
A tower that contains one or more bells, or that is designed to hold bells
(1 tagged buildings)
Small framework and shelter for one or more bells
(3 tagged buildings)
Architectural structure sited to take advantage of a fine or scenic view
(8 tagged buildings)
Piece of furniture on which several people may sit at the same time
Benedictine abbey
(3 tagged buildings)
Monastic community of monks of the Benedictine order
Benedictine nunnery
(1 tagged buildings)
Monastic community of nuns of the Benedictine order
Betting shop
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of gambling venue
Bicycle bridge
(2 tagged buildings)
Bridge for cyclists, often also for pedestrians
Bilingual school
(1 tagged buildings)
School which conducts classes in two languages
(2 tagged buildings)
Studio, workshop or factory where sheets of paper are fastened together to make books
Bingo hall
(85 tagged buildings)
Building used for bingo; often former theatres or cinemas
Biographical museum
(5 tagged buildings)
Museum dedicated to the life and works of a specific person
Bird bath
(3 tagged buildings)
Artificial puddle or small shallow pond where birds bathe
Birth house
(4 tagged buildings)
Building where someone was deemed to be born, not a hospital. Add this in P31 in addition to properties about the architecture or function of the building. If it's the actual place of birth of the person, add the house in P19 of the person's item
(2 tagged buildings)
Small restaurant
(1 tagged buildings)
Sculptures and other depictions of exoticized figures, usually African males, used in European art in the Early Modern period
(4 tagged buildings)
Type of house
Blast furnace
(15 tagged buildings)
Type of metallurgical furnace used for smelting to produce industrial metals
(1 tagged buildings)
Field near watercourse used by a bleachery
(7 tagged buildings)
Small, isolated fort in the form of a single building
Boarding school
(74 tagged buildings)
School where many of the students also live throughout much of the academic year
(1 tagged buildings)
Smaller watercraft
(147 tagged buildings)
Building for storage of boats
Boiler house
(8 tagged buildings)
Building containing a boiler
(3 tagged buildings)
(262 tagged buildings)
Short, vertical post used in mooring, traffic, etc.
Bomb shelter
(1 tagged buildings)
Structure designed to provide protection against the effects of a bomb
Bonded warehouse
(47 tagged buildings)
Building or other secured area in which dutiable goods may be stored
(1 tagged buildings)
Urban area in Nacka Municipality, Sweden
(18 tagged buildings)
Commercial trader of books
Botanical garden
(4 tagged buildings)
Well-tended area displaying a wide range of plants labelled with their botanical names
Botanical museum
(1 tagged buildings)
Museum related to plants and the science of botany
(32 tagged buildings)
Permanent basic shelter for temporary use
Bottle oven
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of kiln
(2 tagged buildings)
Natural rock fragment larger than 25.6 centimetres in diameter
(1 tagged buildings)
Obstacle marking a delimitation of land
Boundary marker
(1,175 tagged buildings)
Physical indication of a boundary
Boundary wall
(14 tagged buildings)
Wall around the perimiter of a building plot or group of buildings
Boutique hotel
(1 tagged buildings)
Small, upscale hotel
Bowstring arch truss bridge
(3 tagged buildings)
Particular design of truss bridge
Box girder bridge
(3 tagged buildings)
Type of bridge
Box lattice girder bridge
(1 tagged buildings)
Bridge having a lattice of girders in the shape of a hollow box
Box office
(1 tagged buildings)
Place where tickets are sold to the public for admission to an event
Boys' school
(18 tagged buildings)
School only for boys
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of restaurant
Break-of-gauge station
(2 tagged buildings)
Railway stations with two or more different gauges
(9 tagged buildings)
Structure constructed on coasts as part of coastal management or to protect an anchorage
(121 tagged buildings)
Business that makes and sells beer
Brewery building
(38 tagged buildings)
Buildings or complexes of buildings where beer, and often other malt beverages, are brewed, generally involving mechanized processes
(3 tagged buildings)
(1 tagged buildings)
Pub that brews beer on the premises
Brick and mortar
(6 tagged buildings)
Class of organisations or businesses who heavily rely on buildings, production facilities, or physical stores for operations
Brick bridge
(3 tagged buildings)
Type of bridge design with brick as main material
Brick building
(4 tagged buildings)
Building made out of bricks
Brick Gothic
(1 tagged buildings)
Architectural style of Northern Europe
Brick kiln
(2 tagged buildings)
(1 tagged buildings)
Factory where bricks are made
(1 tagged buildings)
Factory for the manufacture of building materials made of baked clay or loam
(5,698 tagged buildings)
Structure that spans and provides a passage over a road, railway, river, or some other obstacle
Bridge castle
(1 tagged buildings)
Bridge chapel
(1 tagged buildings)
Chapel on or near a road bridge
Bridge chapel
(1 tagged buildings)
Chapel on or near a road bridge
Bridge group
(6 tagged buildings)
Group of bridges
Bridge over railway line
(3 tagged buildings)
Bridge over valley
(6 tagged buildings)
Kind of bridge
Bristol Byzantine
(1 tagged buildings)
Byzantine Revival architecture in Bristol, England
Broadcasting house
(1 tagged buildings)
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of Iron Age drystone hollow-walled structure
(18 tagged buildings)
20th century style of architecture
Buddhist temple
(2 tagged buildings)
Place of worship for Buddhists
Buddle pit
(1 tagged buildings)
(126,413 tagged buildings)
Structure, typically with a roof and walls, standing more or less permanently in one place
Building complex
(55 tagged buildings)
Set of related buildings
Building expansion
(2 tagged buildings)
Expansion of a structure
Building of public administration
(16 tagged buildings)
Building part
(1 tagged buildings)
Building society
(1 tagged buildings)
Credit institution
Built-on bridge
(1 tagged buildings)
(11 tagged buildings)
House that is either single-storey or has a second storey built into a sloping roof, popular in North America
(11 tagged buildings)
Defensive military building
Buoy yard
(1 tagged buildings)
Place where buoys are stored and serviced
Burial aisle
(17 tagged buildings)
Section of a church, or freestanding stucture, used a family for private burials
Burial vault
(13 tagged buildings)
Structural underground tomb
Bus depot
(14 tagged buildings)
Storage and maintenance facility for buses; building where buses are housed, washed, serviced
Bus shelter
(19 tagged buildings)
Type of bus stop
Bus station
(3 tagged buildings)
Structure, larger than a bus stop, where city or intercity buses stop to pick up and drop off passengers
Bus stop
(1 tagged buildings)
Designated area for buses to pick up/drop passengers
(95 tagged buildings)
Organisation involved in commercial, industrial, or professional activity
Business park
(1 tagged buildings)
Area of land in which many office buildings are grouped together
Business school
(1 tagged buildings)
University-level institution granting degrees in business administration
(8 tagged buildings)
Sculpture of a person's head, neck, and a variable portion of chest and shoulders
(8 tagged buildings)
Sculpture of the upper part (head, neck, and a variable portion of chest and shoulders) of the human figure
Butcher shop
(4 tagged buildings)
A store where meat is sold
(16 tagged buildings)
Type of market cross associated with English market towns
(1 tagged buildings)
Storeroom for liquor
Byzantine architecture
(1 tagged buildings)
Architectural style
Byzantine Revival architecture
(24 tagged buildings)
Architectural revival movement