Tags are auto-generated from Wikidata entries. Tags reflect the subjective opinion of Wikidata editors, not the listing authorities or British Listed Buildings. Not all listed buildings have a Wikidata entry, and not all Wikidata entries have data that can be used to generate tags.
Rabbi's house
(1 tagged buildings)
Radar station
(3 tagged buildings)
Facility for making radar observations
Radar tower
(1 tagged buildings)
Radio telescope
(2 tagged buildings)
Form of directional radio antenna used in radio astronomy
Rail trail bridge
(1 tagged buildings)
Bridge for pedestrian (mostly also for cyclists) as part of a rail trail
(396 tagged buildings)
Fence or barrier consisting of one or more horizontal rails and vertical supports
Railway bridge
(342 tagged buildings)
Bridge that can be crossed by a train
Railway building
(8 tagged buildings)
Railway embankment
(1 tagged buildings)
Railway footbridge
(36 tagged buildings)
Railway hotel
(15 tagged buildings)
Guest accommodation at railway station
Railway museum
(1 tagged buildings)
Museum specializing in rail transport
Railway platform
(5 tagged buildings)
Fixed structure to allow people to board or alight trains
Railway roundhouse
(1 tagged buildings)
Building with bow shape built around (or rarely including) a railway turntable where locomotives are housed, washed, serviced
Railway signal gantry
(1 tagged buildings)
Platform extending over railway tracks on which railway signals are mounted
Railway station
(459 tagged buildings)
Railway facility where trains regularly stop to load or unload passengers and/or freight
Railway tunnel
(32 tagged buildings)
Tunnel built for rail traffic
Railway turntable
(2 tagged buildings)
Device for turning railway rolling stock (usually locomotives) and for switching between many tracks entering a roundhouse
Railway viaduct
(411 tagged buildings)
Bridge, usually resting on a number of raised arches, carrying a railway across low-lying land, water, gorge or valley
Railway workshop
(3 tagged buildings)
Facility for construction and repair of rolling stock owned by a railway
(3 tagged buildings)
Architectural element to connect two different levels
Reading room
(9 tagged buildings)
Space set up in a library or an archive service, intended to allow the public to consult the documents on the spot
Real estate company
(1 tagged buildings)
Business brokering real estate
Rear facade
(1 tagged buildings)
Recording studio
(4 tagged buildings)
Facility for sound recording
Recreation structure
(2 tagged buildings)
Built work used for purpose of recreation (sports infrastructure; theatres; museums; cultural centres; movietheatres; gymnasia; amusement parks)
Red telephone box
(241 tagged buildings)
Kiosk for a public telephone designed by Sir Giles Gilbert Scott
(2 tagged buildings)
Type of fort or fort system
Redundant church
(12 tagged buildings)
Church building that is no longer required for regular public worship, usually Anglican buildings
(6 tagged buildings)
Dining room, especially in monasteries, boarding schools, and academic institutions
Reference library
(5 tagged buildings)
Collection of texts that can be consulted on site
(1 tagged buildings)
Youth detention centre or adult correctional facility popular during the late 19th and early 20th centuries
Refracting telescope
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of optical telescope
Regency architecture
(6 tagged buildings)
Architectural style
Regimental museum
(3 tagged buildings)
Museum dedicated to the history of a specific army regiment
Register office
(5 tagged buildings)
Government office where births, deaths and marriages are officially recorded and civil marriages take place
Regulatory college
(1 tagged buildings)
Body responsible for governing a certain profession
Reinforced concrete bridge
(1 tagged buildings)
Bridge made of reinforced concrete
Relief sculpture
(8 tagged buildings)
Sculpture created with relief technique
Religious building
(3 tagged buildings)
Building intended for religious worship or other activities related to a religion; ceremonial structures that are related to or concerned with religion
Religious facility
(1 tagged buildings)
Facility used for religious purposes
Religious order
(1 tagged buildings)
Group of people set apart from society and other groups based on their religious devotion
Religious school
(2 tagged buildings)
Non-secular educational organisation
(1 tagged buildings)
Cultural movement that spanned the period roughly from the 14th to the 17th century
Renaissance architecture
(3 tagged buildings)
Architectural style
Renaissance Revival architecture
(30 tagged buildings)
Branch of 19th-century architectural revival style
(1 tagged buildings)
Exact reproduction
Research institute
(3 tagged buildings)
Establishment endowed for doing research
Research library
(1 tagged buildings)
Library that collects materials on one or more subjects to support scholarly or scientific research
(7 tagged buildings)
Artificial lake impounded using a dam or lock to store water
(8 tagged buildings)
Self-contained unit of accommodation (house, apartment, mobile home, houseboat or other structure) used as a home
Residence of the British Royal Family
(10 tagged buildings)
A residence used by members of the British royal family
Residential and commercial building
(1 tagged buildings)
Combined residential and commercial house or building
Residential area
(1 tagged buildings)
Land use in which housing predominates, as opposed to industrial and commercial areas
Residential building
(35 tagged buildings)
Building mainly used for residential purposes
Residential care
(3 tagged buildings)
Long-term care provided in a non-home based residential setting
Residential child care community
(6 tagged buildings)
Residential institution devoted to the care of children
Residential child care community
(6 tagged buildings)
Type of orphanage
Residential college
(1 tagged buildings)
Student residence and academic community
(207 tagged buildings)
Single establishment which prepares and serves food, located in building
Restoration style
(3 tagged buildings)
Decorative and literary arts in England, 1660-1685
Retail building
(100 tagged buildings)
Building housing businesses engaged in the sale of consumer goods or services
Retail building with apartments
(5 tagged buildings)
Retail store
(151 tagged buildings)
Individual store which sells goods to consumers
Retaining wall
(251 tagged buildings)
Structure designed to confine and support soil laterally so that it can be retained on unnatural slopes
Retirement home
(8 tagged buildings)
Housing facility intended for senior citizens
Retractable bridge
(1 tagged buildings)
Movable bridge in which the deck can be rolled or slid backwards to open a gap while crossing traffic
Revenue house
(5 tagged buildings)
Type of multi-family residential house with specific architecture which evolved in Europe during the 18th and 19th centuries
(1 tagged buildings)
Sloping construction used to shore up an embankment to prevent erosion
Riding arena
(1 tagged buildings)
Fenced or otherwise enclosed but not covered area for riding horses
Riding school
(1 tagged buildings)
School teaching horse riding and jockey training
Ringwork castle
(3 tagged buildings)
Type of medieval castle
(9 tagged buildings)
Wide way leading from one place to another, especially one with a specially prepared surface which vehicles can use
Road bridge
(2,854 tagged buildings)
Bridge that carries road traffic
Road junction
(1 tagged buildings)
Location where multiple roads intersect that allows vehicular traffic to change from one road to another
Road sign
(1 tagged buildings)
Street sign indicating the beginning or end of a settlement, or the distance to a place and the direction in which it is located
Road surface
(22 tagged buildings)
Road covered with durable surface material
Road tunnel
(1 tagged buildings)
Tunnel built for vehicular road traffic
Road-rail bridge
(2 tagged buildings)
Bridge carrying both a roadway and a railway
Roadside stone
(2 tagged buildings)
Rock-cut tomb
(2 tagged buildings)
Tomb cut out in rock
(2 tagged buildings)
Garden with rocky soil
(1 tagged buildings)
18th-century artistic movement and style
Rolling lift bridge
(2 tagged buildings)
Rolling mill
(3 tagged buildings)
A factory or machine for rolling steel or other metal into sheets
Roman amphitheatre
(1 tagged buildings)
Large, circular or oval open-air venues with raised seating
Roman temple
(2 tagged buildings)
Ancient Roman religious building
Roman villa
(2 tagged buildings)
Historical residential structure
Romanesque architecture
(36 tagged buildings)
Architectural style of Medieval Europe
Romanesque art
(2 tagged buildings)
Artistic style of Europe from approximately 1000 AD to the 13th century
Romanesque Revival architecture
(65 tagged buildings)
Style of building employed beginning in the mid-19th century
Romanesque Revival Architecture in the United Kingdom
(1 tagged buildings)
18th to 19th century architectural style
(1 tagged buildings)
Architectural style
(1 tagged buildings)
Artistic, literary, musical, and intellectual movement
(3 tagged buildings)
Long narrow lane, covered pathway, or building, used for making ropes
Rose garden
(1 tagged buildings)
Garden or park which comprises mainly of roses
ROTOR R4 bunker
(2 tagged buildings)
Bunker for the ROTOR air defence radar system
Round barrow
(1 tagged buildings)
Hemispherical mound of earth and/or stone raised over a burial placed in the middle
Roving bridge
(8 tagged buildings)
Bridge over canal where towpath changes sides
Row of houses
(74 tagged buildings)
Row of at least two houses side by side in a street, sometimes build at once as a group or ensemble
Row of shops
(12 tagged buildings)
Rowing club
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of sports club
Royal Air Force station
(1 tagged buildings)
Permanent Royal Air Force operations location
Royal chapel
(1 tagged buildings)
Chapel associated with monarchy
Royal Observer Corps Group Headquarters
(2 tagged buildings)
Sub-regional headquarters of the Royal Observer Corps Cold War monitoring network
Royal Observer Corps Monitoring Post
(11 tagged buildings)
Royal Observer Corps Sector Headquarters
(1 tagged buildings)
Regional headquarters of the Royal Observer Corps Cold War monitoring network
Royal palace
(3 tagged buildings)
Palace used by a royal family
Royal Peculiar
(1 tagged buildings)
English church under the direct jurisdiction of the monarch
Royal Stables
(1 tagged buildings)
Rugby league venue
(1 tagged buildings)
Rugby union venue
(1 tagged buildings)
Venue for rugby union matches
(77 tagged buildings)
Remains of human-made architecture
(1 tagged buildings)
Style of architecture popular in the German-speaking lands
Rustic architecture
(1 tagged buildings)
Style of architecture in the United States, used in rural government and private structures and their landscape interior design