Tags are auto-generated from Wikidata entries. Tags reflect the subjective opinion of Wikidata editors, not the listing authorities or British Listed Buildings. Not all listed buildings have a Wikidata entry, and not all Wikidata entries have data that can be used to generate tags.
(4 tagged buildings)
Exterior side of a building, usually the front but not always
(108 tagged buildings)
Facility where goods are industrially made, or processed
(2 tagged buildings)
Division of a university by subject area, sometimes also by level
Fairbairn steam crane
(1 tagged buildings)
Fallout shelter
(1 tagged buildings)
Enclosed space specially designed to protect occupants from radioactive debris or fallout
(61 tagged buildings)
Area of land for farming, or, for aquaculture, lake, river or sea, including various structures
Farm labourers cottage
(127 tagged buildings)
Cottage built for workers in agricultural occupations
Farm office
(2 tagged buildings)
Office associated with a farm
(35,632 tagged buildings)
Chief dwellings attached to farms, particularly a dwelling for the family of a family-owned and -operated farm
(1,157 tagged buildings)
The buildings and service areas associated with a farm
Fashion museum
(2 tagged buildings)
Museum specialising in costume, clothing or fashion
Faux lighthouse
(4 tagged buildings)
Tower built as a lighthouse, but not actually functioning as one
Female monastery
(1 tagged buildings)
Monastery where women reside in community
(4 tagged buildings)
Freestanding structure preventing movement across a boundary
(1 tagged buildings)
Vertical parts of a fence that attach it into the ground
(2 tagged buildings)
Vertical parts of a fence that attach it into the ground
Ferme ornée
(1 tagged buildings)
(1 tagged buildings)
Garden displaying a collection of ferns
Ferry port
(1 tagged buildings)
Port with facilities for the loading and unloading of ferries
Fever hospital
(1 tagged buildings)
Hospital for infectious diseases
Field barn
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of barn
(3 tagged buildings)
Carved wooden decoration found at the prow of a ship
Filial church
(1 tagged buildings)
Church building that is not the main church of a parish
Film school
(1 tagged buildings)
Educational institution dedicated to teaching aspects of filmmaking
Film studio
(1 tagged buildings)
Organisation that produces films
(210 tagged buildings)
Sign post pointing in the direction of travel
(4 tagged buildings)
Element marking the top or end of some object; decorative feature
Fire hydrant
(9 tagged buildings)
Connection point by which firefighters can tap into a water supply
Fire station
(99 tagged buildings)
Structure or other area set aside for storage of firefighting apparatus
First aid room
(1 tagged buildings)
Special room for medical examinations and treatments
Fish and chip shop
(6 tagged buildings)
Form of restaurant that specialises in selling fish and chips
Fish ladder
(1 tagged buildings)
Structure that allows fish and other organisms to pass artificial or natural barriers at watercourses
Fish pond
(2 tagged buildings)
Man-made body of standing water used for pisciculture
Fishing station
(22 tagged buildings)
Facility for the landing and processing of fish, often in remote areas
(2 tagged buildings)
A pole used to display a flag
(1 tagged buildings)
Florid style of late Gothic architecture
Flax mill
(13 tagged buildings)
Flea market
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of street market or bazarre that provides space for people who want to sell or barter previously-owned merchandise
Flight of locks
(8 tagged buildings)
Series of locks in close proximity
Flood arch
(1 tagged buildings)
Arch or arches adjoining a bridge to provide additional capacity for floodwater to pass
Flood barrier
(1 tagged buildings)
Specific type of floodgate, designed to prevent a storm surge or spring tide from flooding the protected area behind the barrier
(2 tagged buildings)
Adjustable gate used to control water flow
Florentine Gothic
(1 tagged buildings)
Architectural style
Flour mill
(5 tagged buildings)
Flower garden
(1 tagged buildings)
Garden where flowers are grown and displayed
Flower shop
(1 tagged buildings)
Shop which sells flowers
(1 tagged buildings)
Exahust for a fireplace, furnace etc
Fog signal station
(1 tagged buildings)
A place at which fog signalling equipment is installed
(10 tagged buildings)
Device that uses sound to warn vehicles of navigational hazards like rocky coastlines, or boats of the presence of other vessels, in foggy conditions
(224 tagged buildings)
Building constructed primarily for decoration
Folly tower
(29 tagged buildings)
Tower that has been built as an architectural folly
Food and drink museum
(1 tagged buildings)
Museum focused on the production and consumption of food and drinks
Food market
(1 tagged buildings)
Marketplace where food is sold
(543 tagged buildings)
Bridge designed for pedestrians and in some cases cyclists, animal traffic and horse riders, rather than vehicular traffic
(1 tagged buildings)
Thoroughfare for pedestrians
(2 tagged buildings)
Crossing in a river
(2 tagged buildings)
Open area in front of a structure's entrance
(1 tagged buildings)
Hearth used for heating metals
Formal garden
(1 tagged buildings)
Garden with a clear structure, geometric shapes and in most cases a symmetrical layout
Former barracks
(4 tagged buildings)
Barracks which has fallen into disuse or been converted to an alternative use
Former building or structure
(3 tagged buildings)
Building or structure that has been demolished, destroyed or put to a different use
Former bus station
(1 tagged buildings)
Former church
(106 tagged buildings)
Building of a former church
Former courthouse
(2 tagged buildings)
Building where was previously a court
Former educational institution
(4 tagged buildings)
Former institution that provided education
Former entity
(1 tagged buildings)
Entity that no longer operates or is terminated
Former fire station
(1 tagged buildings)
Building that used to be a fire station
Former hospital
(106 tagged buildings)
Building or architectural structure no longer used as a hospital, currently existing or not
Former military hospital
(1 tagged buildings)
Military hospital which has fallen into disuse or been converted to an alternative use
Former cinema
(2 tagged buildings)
Building or architectural structure no longer used as a cinema, currently existing or not
Former railway station
(29 tagged buildings)
A railway station which has fallen into disuse, or converted to an alternative use
Former school building
(8 tagged buildings)
Building or architectural structure no longer used as a school, currently existing or not
Former theatre
(3 tagged buildings)
Building or architectural structure no longer used as theatre, currently existing or not
Former town hall
(2 tagged buildings)
Building which used to be a town hall
Former warehouse
(43 tagged buildings)
Building that was used as a warehouse in the past
(55 tagged buildings)
Military construction designed for defensive warfare
(16 tagged buildings)
Military constructions and buildings designed for defence in warfare and military bases
Fortified bridge
(1 tagged buildings)
Fortified ecclesiastical site
(10 tagged buildings)
Fortified gateway
(1 tagged buildings)
Heavily fortified gateway of a castle or a city wall
Fortified house
(5 tagged buildings)
Type of building which developed in Europe during the Middle Ages
Fortified manor house
(37 tagged buildings)
Fortified tower
(3 tagged buildings)
Defensive structure used in fortifications
(2 tagged buildings)
Large fort
(2 tagged buildings)
Lowest and supporting layer of a structure
Foundation school
(2 tagged buildings)
Type of state-funded school in the UK
(3 tagged buildings)
Factory that produces metal castings
(498 tagged buildings)
Piece of architecture which ejects water
Fountain statue
(1 tagged buildings)
Kind of statue
(1 tagged buildings)
Portion of an object that is torn, broken off from, or dislocated from its original whole
Free school
(2 tagged buildings)
Non-profit, independent, state-funded school in England, which is free to attend
French Gothic architecture
(3 tagged buildings)
Style of architecture prevalent in France from 1140 until about 1500
French Renaissance architecture
(5 tagged buildings)
Style of French architecture
(7 tagged buildings)
House or dwelling where friars or members of certain religious communities live
Front facade
(1 tagged buildings)
Full-rigged ship
(1 tagged buildings)
Sailing vessel with three or more masts, all of them square-rigged
Fulling mill
(1 tagged buildings)
Wool processing facility
Function hall
(7 tagged buildings)
Funeral home
(7 tagged buildings)
Place where bodies are prepared for burial
Funeral parlour
(3 tagged buildings)
Facility for the viewing of deceased persons between death and funeral
(4 tagged buildings)
Cable railway in which a cable moves permanently attached rail cars up and down a slope
Further education college
(3 tagged buildings)
Type of educational institution