Tags are auto-generated from Wikidata entries. Tags reflect the subjective opinion of Wikidata editors, not the listing authorities or British Listed Buildings. Not all listed buildings have a Wikidata entry, and not all Wikidata entries have data that can be used to generate tags.
(1 tagged buildings)
Indigenous hut or recreational structure
Cable-stayed bridge
(4 tagged buildings)
Type of bridge
Cabmen's Shelters in London
(10 tagged buildings)
Shelter for cabdrivers that are maintained by the Cabmen's Shelter Fund
(5 tagged buildings)
Food service location in which there is little or no waiting staff table service
(10 tagged buildings)
Man-made pile of stones or burial monument
(6 tagged buildings)
Type of monumental public crucifix
Camera obscura
(1 tagged buildings)
Optical device that projects an image of its surroundings on a screen
(1 tagged buildings)
Free-standing bell tower next to a church building
(1 tagged buildings)
Cluster of buildings and land used by a college
(6 tagged buildings)
Man-made channel for water
Canal basin
(9 tagged buildings)
Expanse of waterway alongside or at the end of a canal
Canal inclined plane
(3 tagged buildings)
Cable railway for changing boat elevation
Canal tunnel
(13 tagged buildings)
Tunnel for a canal
Canal warehouse
(7 tagged buildings)
Commercial building along a canal
(5 tagged buildings)
Class of artillery which fires at a low or flat trajectory
(1 tagged buildings)
Structure providing shade or shelter
(3 tagged buildings)
Restaurant of a school or an institution
Cantilever bridge
(4 tagged buildings)
Bridge built using cantilevers
(1 tagged buildings)
Upper part of a column (architecture)
Capitol building
(1 tagged buildings)
Building in a capital city used for legislative purposes
(5 tagged buildings)
Rotating machine used to control or apply force to another element
Car factory
(2 tagged buildings)
Caretaker's house
(39 tagged buildings)
Residential structure on the grounds of a cemetery, park, estate, school, building complex, &c, used as an employee's dwelling
Caretaker's house
(42 tagged buildings)
Residential structure on the grounds of a cemetery, park, estate, school, building complex and used as an employee's dwelling
Carmelite monastery
(1 tagged buildings)
House or foundation of the Carmelite friars
Carnegie library
(70 tagged buildings)
Libraries built with money donated by Scottish-American businessman and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie: 2,509 Carnegie libraries were built between 1883 and 1929
Carriage house
(1,635 tagged buildings)
Buildings or outbuildings separate from the living quarters designed or used for the storage of coaches, carriages, other vehicles, and often horses
Carthusian monastery
(3 tagged buildings)
Monastery of the Order of Saint Bruno
(8 tagged buildings)
Act of using tools to shape something from a material by scraping away portions of that material
(8 tagged buildings)
Act of using tools to shape something from a material by scraping away portions of that material
(8 tagged buildings)
Work executed by cutting a figure or design out of a solid material such as stone or wood
(6 tagged buildings)
Facility which houses and accommodates certain types of gambling activities
Castellated Gothic
(2 tagged buildings)
Architectural style
(1 tagged buildings)
Smaller castrum (military camp)
(743 tagged buildings)
Type of fortified structure built in Europe, Asia and the Middle East during the Middle Ages by nobility
Castle chapel
(6 tagged buildings)
Chapel built within a castle
Castle of the Welsh princes
(9 tagged buildings)
Castle built by the Welsh princes
Castle ruin
(13 tagged buildings)
Ruin of a fortified structure built in Europe and the Middle East during the Middle Ages by nobility
(3 tagged buildings)
Ancient Roman fortification
(2 tagged buildings)
Subterranean passageways used as burial place
(34 tagged buildings)
Christian church, which is seat of a bishop
Cathedral library
(3 tagged buildings)
Library situated in a cathedral
Catholic cathedral
(19 tagged buildings)
Church that is the seat of the bishop of a diocese of the Catholic Church
Catholic church building
(143 tagged buildings)
Church building of the Catholic Church
Catholic school
(11 tagged buildings)
Parochial educational institution operated by a Catholic organisation
Catholic seminary
(10 tagged buildings)
Catholic high education institute for the education of the clergy
(25 tagged buildings)
Route raised up on an embankment
(3 tagged buildings)
Natural underground space large enough for a human to enter
(2 tagged buildings)
Room, often wholly or mostly below ground level, used for storage of food and often other items
Celtic cross
(29 tagged buildings)
Form of Christian cross with a ring surrounding the intersection of the vertical and horizontal members
(511 tagged buildings)
Place of burial
Cemetery chapel
(85 tagged buildings)
Chapel for funeral services in a cemetery
Cemetery cross
(2 tagged buildings)
Large cross placed at a cemetery
Cemetery gate
(9 tagged buildings)
Point of entry to a cemetery
Cemetery wall
(4 tagged buildings)
Wall around a cemetery
(57 tagged buildings)
Empty tomb or monument erected in honor of a person whose remains are lost or interred elsewhere
Chain tower
(1 tagged buildings)
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of building or house, native to the Alpine region
Chalybeate spring
(1 tagged buildings)
Mineral spring with water containing iron
Chamber tomb
(1 tagged buildings)
Communal burial places, cut into rock or hillslopes or constructed of masonry, whose chamber may or may not have an entry passage, usually covered by a mound
Chancel arch
(1 tagged buildings)
Arch in a church separating nave from chancel
Changing room
(1 tagged buildings)
Room where you can change your clothes
(3 tagged buildings)
Endowed chapel where priests can say mass for the dead
Chantry chapel
(3 tagged buildings)
Building on private land or a dedicated area or altar within a parish church or cathedral, set aside or built especially for the performance of the chantry duties by the priest
(3,154 tagged buildings)
Small place, building or room of Christian fellowship or worship, may be attached or not to a larger institution or part of a building
Chapel of ease
(2 tagged buildings)
Church building
(26 tagged buildings)
Small church building that is not a full parish church
Chapter house
(8 tagged buildings)
Building or room that is part of a cathedral, monastery or collegiate church in which larger meetings are held
Chapter house
(1 tagged buildings)
Meeting place of a monastic community
Charitable organisation
(58 tagged buildings)
Non-profit organisation with a charitable purpose
(1 tagged buildings)
Commune in Saône-et-Loire, France
(11 tagged buildings)
Type of manor house mostly built by noble families for representative purposes
(4 tagged buildings)
Revival architectural style
Cheese press
(2 tagged buildings)
Device for separating curds from whey in cheesemaking
(1 tagged buildings)
Establishment in which cheese is produced
Chest tomb
(2,520 tagged buildings)
Rectangular funerary monument in shape of cist or stone box above a grave
Chicken coop
(8 tagged buildings)
Place where chickens roost
Children's home
(4 tagged buildings)
Institution where young people are taken care of
Children's hospital
(3 tagged buildings)
Hospital which offers its services exclusively to children
(407 tagged buildings)
Structure that provides ventilation for exhausting the hot or toxic flue gases, aerosols and smokes produced by a boiler, stove, furnace or fireplace inside a building to the outside atmosphere
Chinese architecture
(1 tagged buildings)
Style of architecture
Chinese restaurant
(1 tagged buildings)
Establishment that serves Chinese cuisine
(1 tagged buildings)
European interpretation and imitation of Chinese and East Asian artistic traditions, especially in the decorative arts, garden design, architecture, literature, theatre, and music
Christian Church
(1 tagged buildings)
Ecclesiological term referring to what different Christian denominations conceive of as being the true body of Christians or the original ecclesiastical institution established by Jesus
Christian cross
(86 tagged buildings)
Symbol of Christianity
(1 tagged buildings)
Family name
Church building
(18,631 tagged buildings)
Building constructed for Christian worship
Church building incorporated with parish hall
(2 tagged buildings)
Christian buildings where the service premises and parish hall have been incorporated
Church college
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of college
Church congregation
(1 tagged buildings)
Religious organisation meeting at a particular location
Church gate
(127 tagged buildings)
Gate of a church
Church hall
(393 tagged buildings)
Room or building associated with a church building, general for community and charitable use
Church of England parish church
(25 tagged buildings)
Church which acts as the religious centre for the people within the smallest and most basic Church of England administrative region
Church of England school
(3 tagged buildings)
Church ruin
(84 tagged buildings)
Ruins of a church
Church tower
(26 tagged buildings)
Tower of a church building
Church with cemetery
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of facility
(392 tagged buildings)
Patch of land adjoining or surrounding a church
Churchyard cross
(561 tagged buildings)
Large cross in churchyard, usually on the south side, intended to sanctify the churchyard
Churchyard wall
(478 tagged buildings)
Wall around a cemetery or churchyard
Cider house
(7 tagged buildings)
Type of drinking establishment
Cider mill
(8 tagged buildings)
Location and equipment used to crush apples into apple juice for use in making apple cider
(2 tagged buildings)
Place for the respectful and usually public storage of cinerary urns
(1 tagged buildings)
Commonly a travelling company of performers
Circus building
(1 tagged buildings)
Permanent structure housing a circus, used for circus or theatrical events
Circus building
(1 tagged buildings)
Venue for circuses
Cistercian architecture
(3 tagged buildings)
Architectural style
Cistercian monastery
(4 tagged buildings)
Cistercian nunnery
(1 tagged buildings)
(6 tagged buildings)
Artificial reservoirs for the storage of water, typically water-tight tanks in a high part of a building or underground
City gate
(14 tagged buildings)
Gate which is, or was, set within a city wall
City hall
(520 tagged buildings)
Refers to the chief public administration buildings of a city, generally housing the mayor's office and legislative chambers
City museum
(5 tagged buildings)
A museum that displays local history, art, or other collections
City walls
(102 tagged buildings)
Defensive wall around a settlement
Civic building
(3 tagged buildings)
Central landmark building in the geographical or business centre of a town or city
Civic centre
(2 tagged buildings)
Prominent land area within a community that is constructed to be its focal point or centre
Civic centre
(2 tagged buildings)
Public building associated with some metropolises
Clapper bridge
(23 tagged buildings)
Bridge formed by large flat slabs of stone supported on stone piers, or resting on the banks of streams
(1 tagged buildings)
Collection of items in an ontology sharing common characteristics
Classical architecture
(20 tagged buildings)
Architectural style, inspired by classical Greco-Roman architectural principles
(2 tagged buildings)
Room inside school building where lessons are given
Clergy house
(3,609 tagged buildings)
Buildings in connection with a church used for secular activities
(9 tagged buildings)
Health care facility, primarily focused on the care of outpatients
(1 tagged buildings)
Very fast sailing ship of the 19th century
(4 tagged buildings)
Instrument that measures the passage of time
Clock tower
(224 tagged buildings)
Architectural structure
(7 tagged buildings)
Open space surrounded by covered walks or open galleries
Cloth hall
(4 tagged buildings)
Historic building in the marketplace of a European town
(2 tagged buildings)
Association of people united by a common interest or goal
(263 tagged buildings)
Building of a club
Coaching inn
(14 tagged buildings)
Historical inn serving coach travellers
Coal drop
(1 tagged buildings)
Coal bunker supplied by dropping coal from railway wagons above
Coal duty marker
(49 tagged buildings)
Duty zone boundary marker in England
Coal mine
(2 tagged buildings)
Place for extraction of coal
Coal staithe
(1 tagged buildings)
Railside structure for storing coal
Coal-fired power station
(3 tagged buildings)
Facility that converts coal into electricity
Coal-tax post
(125 tagged buildings)
Boundary markers
Coast guard station
(1 tagged buildings)
Coast guard facility used for operational activities
(1 tagged buildings)
Enclosure for cockfights
(54 tagged buildings)
Establishment that serves coffee and tea
(3 tagged buildings)
Container for transport, laying out and the burial of a corpse
Coffin slab
(1 tagged buildings)
(1 tagged buildings)
Intentional community
Collecting box
(2 tagged buildings)
Way of collecting Donations
(3 tagged buildings)
Set of purposefully gathered physical or digital objects with some common characteristics
(44 tagged buildings)
Higher education institution
College building
(6 tagged buildings)
Building used by a college
College library
(6 tagged buildings)
General library at an institution of higher education
College of the University of Cambridge
(15 tagged buildings)
College of the University of Oxford
(18 tagged buildings)
Colleges and PPHs which are autonomous self-governing corporations within the university
Collegiate church
(3 tagged buildings)
Church where the daily office of worship is maintained by a college of canons
Colonial Revival architecture
(1 tagged buildings)
American architectural style
(4 tagged buildings)
Row of columns
Colony housing
(209 tagged buildings)
Two-story terraced flats with independent front-doors and gardens
(17 tagged buildings)
Structural element sustaining the weight of a building
Combat information centre
(1 tagged buildings)
Room in a warship or aircraft that functions as a tactical centre
Combat vehicle model
(1 tagged buildings)
Specific vehicle design which includes mounted armament
Comedy club
(1 tagged buildings)
A venue, typically a nightclub, bar, or restaurant where people watch or listen to performances, including stand-up comedians, improvisational comedians, impersonators, magicians, ventriloquists and other comedy acts
Comfort station
(1 tagged buildings)
Stand-alone building that has public toilets inside
Command centre
(1 tagged buildings)
Place used to provide centralized command
(2 tagged buildings)
Smallest division of the European landed estate or manor
Commemorative plaque
(10 tagged buildings)
Plate or tablet, fixed to a surface or freestanding, commemorating an event, person, place, etc.
Commercial building
(166 tagged buildings)
Buildings associated with any aspect of the various activities and business relationships of industry and trade
Commercial property
(1 tagged buildings)
Buildings or land intended to generate a profit, either from capital gain or rental income
Commissioners' church
(2 tagged buildings)
Type of Anglican church
Commons category
(1 tagged buildings)
Subclass of Wikimedia category
Commonwealth War Graves Commission maintained memorial
(3 tagged buildings)
Memorials maintained by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission
(1 tagged buildings)
Community of people living together, sharing common interests
Communication centre
(1 tagged buildings)
Community centre
(51 tagged buildings)
Public location where members of a community tend to gather for group activities, social support, public information, and other purposes
Community health centre
(2 tagged buildings)
Clinic staffed by a group of general practitioners and nurses, providing healthcare services to people in a certain area
Community school
(28 tagged buildings)
State-funded school in England and Wales under the administration of the local education authority
Composite ship
(1 tagged buildings)
Marine vessel with a design incorporating both wood and metal for the body
(1 tagged buildings)
Cluster of buildings in an enclosure
Concentric castle
(1 tagged buildings)
Concert hall
(48 tagged buildings)
Building where concerts take place
(1 tagged buildings)
Place where pathways or roads meet
Concrete arch bridge
(5 tagged buildings)
Arch bridge built from concrete
Concrete bridge
(2 tagged buildings)
Type of bridge with concrete as the main material used
Conduit house
(7 tagged buildings)
Conference hall
(4 tagged buildings)
Room provided for singular events such as business conferences and meetings
Conference room
(2 tagged buildings)
Internal space used for a group meeting or reception
(1 tagged buildings)
Large and destructive fire that threatens human life, animal life, health, and/or property
(2 tagged buildings)
Merging of distinct identities or concepts, usually erroneously
(1 tagged buildings)
Group of people regularly attending a particular place of worship
Conservation area
(1 tagged buildings)
Protected area, usually architectural or urban, in the UK
(3 tagged buildings)
Educational institution specialized in the study, training and research of music
(4 tagged buildings)
Greenhouse for the public display of plants
Constant angle arch dam
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of arch dam
Constituent college
(2 tagged buildings)
College administered by a collegiate university
Consumer cooperative
(1 tagged buildings)
Enterprises owned by consumers and managed democratically
(1 tagged buildings)
Any receptacle for holding a product used in storage, packaging, and shipping
Contour fort
(4 tagged buildings)
Type of hill fort which follows the contours of the land where it is built
Control tower
(16 tagged buildings)
Air traffic control tower
Convenience store
(1 tagged buildings)
Small store that stocks a range of everyday items
(21 tagged buildings)
Religious community
Convention centre
(18 tagged buildings)
Building designed to hold a convention
Converted barn
(29 tagged buildings)
Barn converted in to a house
Cooling pond
(1 tagged buildings)
Man-made body of water, formed to cool heated water or to supply cooling water
Cooling tower
(2 tagged buildings)
Device which extracts waste heat to the atmosphere through the cooling of a water stream
(1 tagged buildings)
Factory in which barrels are constructed
(1 tagged buildings)
Autonomous association of persons or organisations
Copper mine
(2 tagged buildings)
Mine which primarily produces copper ore
(2 tagged buildings)
Piece of masonry jutting out of a wall to carry any superincumbent weight
Corn exchange
(68 tagged buildings)
Building where farmers and merchants traded cereal grains
Corporate museum
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of museum
(1 tagged buildings)
Passage affording access to the rooms in a building
(38,461 tagged buildings)
Typically, a small house
Cottage orné
(39 tagged buildings)
Rustic style of domestic architecture of the 18th and 19th centuries
Cottage villa
(1 tagged buildings)
House which combines the characteristics of a cottage and a villa
Cotton mill
(47 tagged buildings)
Factory housing powered spinning machinery for the production of yarn
Country house
(773 tagged buildings)
Houses in the country as opposed to an urban area, especially houses that are large, have substantial property, and are used seasonally
Country house hotel
(181 tagged buildings)
A country house used as a hotel
Country park
(2 tagged buildings)
Area designated for people to visit and enjoy recreation in a countryside environment
County Court
(1 tagged buildings)
County hall
(24 tagged buildings)
Building that houses the seat of local government for a county
County record office
(4 tagged buildings)
Local authority repository
(92 tagged buildings)
Building which is home to a court
(2 tagged buildings)
Enclosed space in which a judge regularly holds court
(43 tagged buildings)
Enclosed area, often by a building, that is open to the sky
Covered bridge
(2 tagged buildings)
Bridge with roof and sidings
Covered passageway
(2 tagged buildings)
Part of building
Coworking space
(1 tagged buildings)
Shared workspace encouraging exchanges and openness
(750 tagged buildings)
Building where cows are housed
(19 tagged buildings)
Type of machine specialised in lifting objects
Creative residency
(1 tagged buildings)
Cultural venue promoting residency programmes
Creative work
(1 tagged buildings)
Distinct artistic creation such as artwork, literature, music, and paintings
(17 tagged buildings)
Building in which cremation takes place
(19 tagged buildings)
Architectural structure; multiple terraced houses arranged in a curve
Cricket pavilion
(4 tagged buildings)
Crinkle crankle wall
(4 tagged buildings)
Wavy brick wall
(2 tagged buildings)
Fenced or enclosed area of land
Crofting township
(1 tagged buildings)
Subdivision of land in Scotland
(9 tagged buildings)
Geometrical figure
(18 tagged buildings)
Visual work in the shape of two intersecting bars, usually an upright one traversed by a horizontal one, especially used as Christian symbol
(1 tagged buildings)
Visual work or crafted object in the shape of two intersecting bars, especially those used as Christian symbols
Cross base
(27 tagged buildings)
Cross moline
(1 tagged buildings)
Heraldic cross
Cross of Sacrifice
(22 tagged buildings)
Design of war memorial by Reginald Blomfield
Cross shaft
(2 tagged buildings)
Part of a cross (physical object)
Cross slab
(10 tagged buildings)
Pictish carved stone cross
Cross-platform interchange
(1 tagged buildings)
Transfer station design
(1 tagged buildings)
Addition to a house, at right angles to the original building
Crown Court
(1 tagged buildings)
Part of the Senior Courts of England and Wales
(4 tagged buildings)
Cross with an image or artwork of Jesus on it
Cruck framed barn
(8 tagged buildings)
Barn having a roof supported by a pair of bowed A-frame curved timbers
(1 tagged buildings)
Stone chamber or vault beneath the floor of a burial vault
Cultural heritage ensemble
(81 tagged buildings)
Cultural heritage site, consisting of a ensemble of buildings
Cultural institution
(1 tagged buildings)
Organisation that works for the preservation or promotion of culture
Cultural property
(6 tagged buildings)
Structures and works designated as representing cultural heritage
(11 tagged buildings)
Structure that allows water to flow under an obstruction
Cup marked stones
(1 tagged buildings)
(2 tagged buildings)
Dome-like architectural structure
(2 tagged buildings)
Edge where a sidewalk meets a road
Curfew bell
(1 tagged buildings)
Curtain wall
(7 tagged buildings)
Defensive wall between two towers of a castle, fortress or town
Custom house
(29 tagged buildings)
Government office building for import and export of goods
(2 tagged buildings)
Where soil or rock material from a hill or mountain is cut out to make way for a canal, road or railway line
Cycling tunnel
(1 tagged buildings)
Tunnel used by cyclists