Tags are auto-generated from Wikidata entries. Tags reflect the subjective opinion of Wikidata editors, not the listing authorities or British Listed Buildings. Not all listed buildings have a Wikidata entry, and not all Wikidata entries have data that can be used to generate tags.
Packhorse bridge
(135 tagged buildings)
Type of bridge
(1 tagged buildings)
Tiered tower built in an East Asian style, a kind of decorative garden structure
(44 tagged buildings)
Grand residence, especially a royal residence or the home of a head of state
Palace theatre
(1 tagged buildings)
Theatre in a palace or on the grounds of a palace
Palazzo style architecture
(2 tagged buildings)
Imitative of Italian palazzi
Palisaded enclosure
(1 tagged buildings)
Enclosure surrounded by closely-spaced entrenched vertical timbers
Palladian architecture
(49 tagged buildings)
Style of architecture derived from the work of architect Andrea Palladio
Palm house
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of greenhouse
Palmerston fort
(6 tagged buildings)
Forts built around the coast of Britain during the Victorian period
Pannier Market
(6 tagged buildings)
Indoor market hall
Paper factory
(3 tagged buildings)
Factory for producing paper
Paper mill
(6 tagged buildings)
Factory that produces paper
Parabolic antenna
(2 tagged buildings)
Type of antenna
Parabolic reflector
(1 tagged buildings)
Reflector / collector that has the shape of a paraboloid
(2 tagged buildings)
Barrier which is an extension of the wall at the edge of a roof, terrace, balcony, walkway or other structure
(15 tagged buildings)
Type of ecclesiastical subdivision of a diocese
Parish church
(114 tagged buildings)
Church which acts as the religious centre of a parish
(19 tagged buildings)
Permanently dedicated recreation area, often open to the public and generally characterized by natural, historic, or landscape features
Parliament building
(2 tagged buildings)
Subclass of a legislative building, used by countries/entities which have a parliamentary form of government
(1 tagged buildings)
Part of building
(1 tagged buildings)
Passenger ship terminal
(1 tagged buildings)
Structure in a port where ferrys and cruise ships pick up and drop off passengers
(2 tagged buildings)
Small thoroughfare
(4 tagged buildings)
Stone or tile structure which can serve as floor; pavement type with solid blocks
(127 tagged buildings)
Type of building
(4 tagged buildings)
Term generally applied to the support of a statue or a vase
Pedestal tomb
(14 tagged buildings)
Pedestrian tunnel
(2 tagged buildings)
Tunnel for pedestrians
Pedestrian tunnel
(2 tagged buildings)
Tunnel for pedestrians
Peel tower
(19 tagged buildings)
Type of small fortified keep or tower house found in parts of the UK
(2 tagged buildings)
Enclosure for holding animals such as livestock or pets
Penfold post box
(4 tagged buildings)
A design of hexagonal cast-iron post box
Performance hall
(1 tagged buildings)
Room for live performances with an audience space and a stage
Performing arts building
(2 tagged buildings)
Building designed for performing arts activities
Performing arts centre
(12 tagged buildings)
Multi-use performance space
(3 tagged buildings)
Outdoor garden feature forming a shaded walkway
Perimeter wall
(9 tagged buildings)
Permanent Private Hall
(2 tagged buildings)
Educational institution within the University of Oxford
Perpendicular Gothic
(18 tagged buildings)
Third historical division of English Gothic architecture
(2 tagged buildings)
Outdoor stairway
Petrol station
(4 tagged buildings)
Establishments that primarily sell gasoline, lubricating oils, and other merchandise, such as tires and batteries, for motor vehicles and that often also perform minor repair work
(32 tagged buildings)
Health facility where medicines are sold and medical advices are given
Pickett-Hamilton fort
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of hardened field fortification
Pictish stone
(2 tagged buildings)
Monumental stele, generally carved or incised with symbols or designs
Pie shop
(1 tagged buildings)
A fast-food restaurant specialising in pies
(75 tagged buildings)
Architectural upright support for a structure or superstructure
(79 tagged buildings)
Raised structure in a body of water, typically supported by well-spaced piles or pillars
(1 tagged buildings)
Street along a river, a channel, or a lake, in an inhabited place
(219 tagged buildings)
Enclosure for pigs
(2 tagged buildings)
Supporting structures, detached vertical members, rectangular shape
Pillar box
(119 tagged buildings)
Type of postal letter collection point
(81 tagged buildings)
Concrete dug-in guard posts, normally equipped with loopholes through which to fire weapons
(5 tagged buildings)
Pin mill
(1 tagged buildings)
(2 tagged buildings)
Architectural element
Pipe bridge
(2 tagged buildings)
Bridge that carries pipes across a river or other obstacle
Pipe organ
(1 tagged buildings)
Wind instrument that produces sound by driving pressurized air (called wind) through pipes selected via a keyboard
Pipeline bridge
(2 tagged buildings)
Bridge for running a pipeline over a river or another obstacle
(1 tagged buildings)
System of pipes used to transport fluids (gases, liquids or pourable or pumpable solids) from one location to another;high-performance (high-pressure, high-flow, high-temperature or hazardous-material) conveyance of fluids in specialized applications
Place of worship
(11 tagged buildings)
Specially designed structure or consecrated space for use in worshipping
Plague cross
(3 tagged buildings)
(2 tagged buildings)
Flat, thin work set into a surface for decoration or to bear an inscription
Plate girder bridge
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of bridge
Playground slide
(1 tagged buildings)
Slides for children to play on in playgrounds
Plenary hall
(2 tagged buildings)
Room for people to discuss and debate
(5 tagged buildings)
Platform to support structure above it
Plunge pool
(1 tagged buildings)
Small pool with steps down in which a person can be submerged, but not swim
Poetry bookstore
(1 tagged buildings)
Bookstore that sells poetry
(6 tagged buildings)
Oblong object, placed vertically (or somewhat obliquely), the width being approximately the same over the entire length
Police box
(37 tagged buildings)
A type of public telephone
Police museum
(2 tagged buildings)
Type of museum; museum of police memorabilia and history
Police station
(225 tagged buildings)
Headquarters for the police of a particular district, from which police officers are dispatched and to which persons under arrest are brought
(50 tagged buildings)
Body of standing water, either natural or man-made, that is usually smaller than a lake
(1 tagged buildings)
Natural or artificially created body of water in which there is no or little flow velocity
(1 tagged buildings)
Smallish roundish body of water, often man-made to provide a watering place for cattle
Poor hospital
(1 tagged buildings)
Charitable entity emerged in the Middle Ages to care for the sick poor
(26 tagged buildings)
Facility to support and provide housing for the dependent and needy
(1 tagged buildings)
Maritime facility where ships may dock to load and discharge passengers and cargo
(16 tagged buildings)
Opening in the walls of a structure
(1 tagged buildings)
Heavy vertically-opening gate typically found in medieval fortifications
(2 tagged buildings)
Roofed shelter for vehicles or carriages at the entrance of a building
(2 tagged buildings)
Type of porch
Post box
(33 tagged buildings)
Post collection point
Post mill
(22 tagged buildings)
Earliest type of European windmill
Post office
(1,297 tagged buildings)
Customer service facility of a postal system
Post office building
(10 tagged buildings)
Postal museum
(1 tagged buildings)
Museum on the history of the post
(1 tagged buildings)
Secondary door or gate
Postmodern architecture
(3 tagged buildings)
Architectural style that emerged in the 1960s
Pottery kiln
(1 tagged buildings)
Pottery manufactory
(1 tagged buildings)
Establishment that specializes in making clay pottery, such as earthen pots or vessels
Pottery studio
(5 tagged buildings)
Place where pots and other ceramics are made
Power station
(15 tagged buildings)
Facility generating electric power
Preaching cross
(19 tagged buildings)
Type of cross
(1 tagged buildings)
Roman Catholic order founded in 1120
Preparatory school
(8 tagged buildings)
In the UK, school preparing children for secondary level
(4 tagged buildings)
Educational establishment offering early childhood education to children
Preserved watercraft
(1 tagged buildings)
Watercraft preserved beyond their normal working lives
Prestressed concrete bridge
(1 tagged buildings)
Bridge made with prestressed concrete structural elements
Primary school
(61 tagged buildings)
School in which children receive primary or elementary education from the age of about five to twelve
Prince Albert's Model Cottage
(1 tagged buildings)
(11 tagged buildings)
Facilities or office where the printing of books or other works takes place
(271 tagged buildings)
Religious houses that rank immediately below abbeys and are presided over by a prior or prioress
Priory church
(1 tagged buildings)
Church that is part of a priory, seat of a prior
(32 tagged buildings)
Place in which people legally are physically confined and usually deprived of a range of personal freedoms
Prison building
(1 tagged buildings)
Prison chapel
(6 tagged buildings)
Prison museum
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of museum focused on and/or located in a prison
Prisoner-of-war camp
(3 tagged buildings)
Site for the containment of combatants captured by their enemy in time of war
Private chapel
(4 tagged buildings)
Place of worship
Private hospital
(1 tagged buildings)
Privately funded hospital
Private library
(1 tagged buildings)
Library held by a private citizen or nonpublic institution for members only
Private school
(1 tagged buildings)
School type not administered by local, state or national governments
(1 tagged buildings)
Church serving temporarily as cathedral
Prodigy house
(6 tagged buildings)
Architectural term for large and showy Tudor and Jacobean houses, typically in England
Production company
(2 tagged buildings)
Company producing works in the realms of the performing arts, media art, film, radio, and video
Professional association
(1 tagged buildings)
Typically nonprofit organisation seeking to further a particular profession
Promontory fort
(4 tagged buildings)
Fortification, usually dating from the Iron Age
Protected area
(2 tagged buildings)
Area which receives protection because of its recognized natural, ecological, or cultural values
Protestant church building
(580 tagged buildings)
Church building affiliated with a Protestant denomination
Psychiatric hospital
(7 tagged buildings)
Hospital treating serious mental disorders
(7,741 tagged buildings)
Drinking establishment
Pub with rooms
(3 tagged buildings)
Pub with overnight accommodation
Public bath
(50 tagged buildings)
Buildings equipped with swimming pools and other facilities for bathing and swimming, traditionally the primary hygienic facility in a city or town
Public building
(4 tagged buildings)
Buildings or groups of buildings owned and operated by a governing body, carrying out official duties, and often occupied by a governmental agency
Public collection
(1 tagged buildings)
Publicly accessible collection of works
Public houses and inns in Grantham
(1 tagged buildings)
Hostelries in Lincolnshire
Public inquiry
(1 tagged buildings)
Official review of events or actions ordered by a government body
Public library
(377 tagged buildings)
Library that is accessible by the public
Public research university
(2 tagged buildings)
Type of higher learning institution; research university predominantly funded by public means
Public school
(4 tagged buildings)
Type of independent school in England and Wales
Public toilet
(27 tagged buildings)
Toilet and washroom for anyone to use
Public transport shelter
(1 tagged buildings)
Shelter used by travellers by bus, tram, train, etc
(2 tagged buildings)
Organisation that prints and distributes pressed goods or electronic media
Pubs in Ipswich
(1 tagged buildings)
Alcoholic beverage establishments in Ipswich
(1 tagged buildings)
Speakers' stand in a church
(303 tagged buildings)
Device that moves fluids (liquids or gases) by mechanical action
Pump room
(1 tagged buildings)
Building where mineral water is expended to spa guests
Pumping station
(55 tagged buildings)
Facilities including pumps and equipment for pumping fluids from one place to another
Puppet museum
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of museum with a collection of puppets
(2 tagged buildings)
Tower-like props of suspension bridge or cable-stayed bridge