Tags are auto-generated from Wikidata entries. Tags reflect the subjective opinion of Wikidata editors, not the listing authorities or British Listed Buildings. Not all listed buildings have a Wikidata entry, and not all Wikidata entries have data that can be used to generate tags.
Early English Gothic
(3 tagged buildings)
First historical division of English Gothic architecture
Early Gothic
(1 tagged buildings)
Gothic (Medieval), Medieval (European), [Medieval styles and periods], European, [styles, periods, and cultures by region], Styles and Periods, Styles and Periods Facet
Eastern Orthodox cathedral
(4 tagged buildings)
Church building that is the seat of a bishop of the Eastern Orthodox denominations
Eating and lodging
(1 tagged buildings)
Eclectic architecture
(2 tagged buildings)
Architectural style
(1 tagged buildings)
Conceptual approach
Eclecticism in art
(2 tagged buildings)
Mixed styles
Education museum
(2 tagged buildings)
Museum specialising in the history of education
Educational facility
(1 tagged buildings)
Building, resource or equipment for education
Educational institution
(14 tagged buildings)
Institution that provides education
Educational organisation
(4 tagged buildings)
Body with an aim of education
Edward VIII pillar box
(11 tagged buildings)
Class of British post box erected during the reign of Edward VIII
Edwardian architecture
(25 tagged buildings)
Style of architecture designed during the reign of Edward of Great Britain (1901-1910)
Egyptian Revival architecture
(6 tagged buildings)
Architectural style
Egyptian theatre
(1 tagged buildings)
Cinema built in Egyptian revival architectural style
Eleanor cross
(3 tagged buildings)
Any one of a series of monuments to Eleanor of Castile in England
Electrical substation
(8 tagged buildings)
Part of an electrical generation, transmission, and/or distribution system
Electricity junction box
(3 tagged buildings)
On-street electrical equipment enclosure
Elevated way
(1 tagged buildings)
An elevated road or railway or section thereof
(2 tagged buildings)
Vertical transport device
Elevator test tower
(1 tagged buildings)
Structure designed to test elevators
Elizabethan architecture
(20 tagged buildings)
Term given to early Renaissance architecture in England, during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I
(4 tagged buildings)
Wall or bank to carry a road or rail over low ground or water's edge
(18 tagged buildings)
Permanent diplomatic mission of higher level, representing its operator in the country the embassy is in
Emergency telephone
(1 tagged buildings)
Telephone used primarily to call emergency services
(3 tagged buildings)
Archaeological term for an area of land separated from the surrounding land by earthworks, walls or fencing
Enclosure castle
(2 tagged buildings)
Enclosure castle
Engine house
(63 tagged buildings)
Building or other structure that holds one or more engines
English Baroque
(53 tagged buildings)
Style of English architecture
English country house
(1,511 tagged buildings)
Larger mansion estate in England, UK
English garden
(3 tagged buildings)
Style of garden
English Gothic architecture
(429 tagged buildings)
Architectural style in Britain
(1 tagged buildings)
For-profit organisational unit producing goods or services, which benefits from a certain degree of autonomy in decision-making, especially for the allocation of its current resources
Entertainment centre
(30 tagged buildings)
(13 tagged buildings)
Place of entering, as a gate or doorway
Episcopal palace
(22 tagged buildings)
Palace of a bishop
Equatorial mount
(1 tagged buildings)
Mounting system for camera or telescope
Equestrian facility
(4 tagged buildings)
Equestrian statue
(25 tagged buildings)
Statue of a rider mounted on a horse
Escape room
(1 tagged buildings)
Physical puzzle game played by a team of players
(28 tagged buildings)
Comprises the buildings and supporting farmland and woods of a very large property
Estate agent
(2 tagged buildings)
Person or business that specialises in the selling or letting of property
Estate cottage
(106 tagged buildings)
Cottage for workers on a country house estate
Event venue
(29 tagged buildings)
Location suitable for hosting events
(1 tagged buildings)
Organized presentation and display of a selection of items or pictures