Tags are auto-generated from Wikidata entries. Tags reflect the subjective opinion of Wikidata editors, not the listing authorities or British Listed Buildings. Not all listed buildings have a Wikidata entry, and not all Wikidata entries have data that can be used to generate tags.
(125 tagged buildings)
Type of wall; recessed landscape design element
Hair salon
(1 tagged buildings)
Business that cuts and styles hair for women
Haircutting establishment
(1 tagged buildings)
A place that cuts and styles hair for people
(209 tagged buildings)
Large room used for meetings, social affairs or events
(26 tagged buildings)
Large room within a domestic building
Hall church
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of church building
Hall house
(52 tagged buildings)
Vernacular house typical of Britain, centred on a hall
Hall of residence
(37 tagged buildings)
University dormitory
(1 tagged buildings)
Small settlement in a rural area
(1 tagged buildings)
Public steambaths common in the Islamic world
Hammerhead crane
(1 tagged buildings)
Hand pump
(1 tagged buildings)
Pump operated using the hands
Hand well pump
(1 tagged buildings)
Manually operated water pump for a well
Handball court
(2 tagged buildings)
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of railing that is designed to be grasped by the hand, commonly found in stairways and escalators
(19 tagged buildings)
Closed structure to hold aircraft or spacecraft in protective storage
(69 tagged buildings)
Sheltered body of water where ships, boats, and barges can be docked
Harbour crane
(2 tagged buildings)
Harbour railway station
(8 tagged buildings)
Rail-boat connection
Haunted house
(1 tagged buildings)
House or other building often perceived as being inhabited by disembodied spirits of the deceased
Hay barn
(101 tagged buildings)
Type of barn
(2 tagged buildings)
Space above barn-building or stable agricultural
(1 tagged buildings)
(12 tagged buildings)
Structural frame above an underground mine shaft
(11 tagged buildings)
Location where key leadership and coordination functions take place, often recognized as the central home for a disparate organisation
Health charity
(1 tagged buildings)
Charitable organisation with a health or medical goal
Health food store
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of grocery store that primarily sells health foods, organic foods and local produce
Hearse house
(53 tagged buildings)
Heating furnace
(2 tagged buildings)
Device used for heating in industry
Herald's Office
(1 tagged buildings)
Wikimedia list article
Heraldic authority
(1 tagged buildings)
Wikimedia list article
(1 tagged buildings)
Scientific collection of dried plants
Heritage centre
(6 tagged buildings)
Museum facility
Heritage site
(3 tagged buildings)
General term for a site of cultural heritage for a specific country (please avoid as a P31 value except for large sites containing multiple entities)
(2 tagged buildings)
Type of sculpture with a head and often a torso above a plain lower section, often with male genitals
(9 tagged buildings)
Solitary place inhabited by a hermit or by several who live separately away from the world; sometimes there is a hermitage or chapel that can be a place of pilgrimage
High commission
(4 tagged buildings)
Diplomatic representation of a Commonwealth country to another one or between States members of the Union Française (then Communauté)
High commission
(4 tagged buildings)
Diplomatic representation of a Commonwealth country to another one or between States members of the Union Française (then Communauté)
High cross
(243 tagged buildings)
Free-standing Christian cross made of stone and often richly decorated
High Victorian Gothic
(3 tagged buildings)
Eclectic architectural style and movement during the mid-late 19th century
High-rise building
(13 tagged buildings)
Tall building; as opposed to a low-rise building
High-tech architecture
(5 tagged buildings)
Architectural style that emerged in the 1970s
Higher education institution
(4 tagged buildings)
Institution that provides higher education (e.g., universities, vocational universities, community colleges, liberal arts colleges, institutes of technology, and others)
Highway bridge
(1 tagged buildings)
Bridge carrying or crossing a highway
(1 tagged buildings)
Landform that extends above the surrounding terrain
Hill castle
(1 tagged buildings)
Castle built on a natural feature that stands above the surrounding terrain
Hill figure
(1 tagged buildings)
Large visual representation created by cutting into a steep hillside
(2 tagged buildings)
Type of earthworks used as a fortified refuge or defended settlement
Hindu temple
(3 tagged buildings)
House of worship in Hinduism
Historic building
(30 tagged buildings)
Structure of historic nature
Historic cemetery
(1 tagged buildings)
Cemetery with a notable history or where a person was buried in the past
Historic house
(50 tagged buildings)
House with a notable history or of a historic nature
Historic house museum
(513 tagged buildings)
House that has been transformed into a museum
Historic Houses Association
(1 tagged buildings)
Association supporting independent historic houses in the UK
Historic site
(48 tagged buildings)
Official location where pieces of political, military or social history have been preserved
Historical cultural heritage site
(1 tagged buildings)
Class of cultural heritage site of Australia
Historicist architecture
(1 tagged buildings)
Architectural style
History museum
(40 tagged buildings)
Museum covering the knowledge of history
History of science museum
(1 tagged buildings)
Museum dedicated to the history of scientific thought and knowledge
HM Prison
(1 tagged buildings)
Name given to prisons in the United Kingdom, including some in Australia and a small number in Canada, Grenada and Barbados
Holiday home
(83 tagged buildings)
Property rented for holidays
Holy well
(54 tagged buildings)
Spring or other small body of water revered either in a Pagan or Christian context, often both
Homeless shelter
(1 tagged buildings)
Temporary residence for homeless individuals and families
Hop kiln
(19 tagged buildings)
Building designed for kilning (drying) hops as part of the brewing process
(1 tagged buildings)
Hose tower
(1 tagged buildings)
Tower in a fire station used to dry the hoses
(5 tagged buildings)
Organisation that cares for the dying or the incurably ill
(90 tagged buildings)
Health care facility, for individual buildings use hospital building, for organisations use medical organisation
(14 tagged buildings)
Building for pilgrims, travelers, or the needy; term originally reserved for similar establishments of the Knights Hospitallers
Hospital building
(420 tagged buildings)
Building used as a hospital or health care facility
Hospital building
(18 tagged buildings)
Building designed and erected as a hospital
Hospital chapel
(2 tagged buildings)
(1 tagged buildings)
Greco-Roman divine right and duty of hostpitality
(62 tagged buildings)
Cheap, sociable accommodation
(3,266 tagged buildings)
Business enterprise that provides lodging in a single building paid on a short-term basis
Hotel building
(447 tagged buildings)
Building designed and built for use as a hotel
(41,172 tagged buildings)
Building usually intended for living in
House of correction
(1 tagged buildings)
Penal facility
House of Tudor
(2 tagged buildings)
Welsh royal house
(1 tagged buildings)
Economic unit
Housing cooperative
(1 tagged buildings)
Form of home ownership
Housing development
(30 tagged buildings)
Group of residences
Housing estate
(63 tagged buildings)
Group of homes and other buildings built together as a single development
(1 tagged buildings)
Common name of Homo sapiens, unique extant species of the genus Homo
Human settlement
(18 tagged buildings)
Community of any size, in which people live
Human-made geographic feature
(5 tagged buildings)
Artificial construction meant to remain at a fixed geographic location
Hunting cabin
(1 tagged buildings)
House used in connection with hunting
Hunting lodge
(11 tagged buildings)
Schloss set in a wildlife park or a hunting area
(6 tagged buildings)
(10 tagged buildings)
Outlet from a fluid main often consisting of an upright pipe with a valve attached from which fluid (e.g. water or fuel) can be tapped
Hydraulic power station
(5 tagged buildings)
Power station producing hydraulic power
Hydraulic ram
(1 tagged buildings)
Cyclic water pump powered by hydropower
Hydraulic structure
(1 tagged buildings)
Artificial structure which disrupts the natural flow of water
Hydro-electric power scheme
(2 tagged buildings)
Network of dams and hydroelectric power stations producing electricity
Hydroelectric dam
(1 tagged buildings)
Dam built on a river to generate electricity
Hydroelectric power station
(23 tagged buildings)
Facility generating electric power using hydroelectricity