Tags are auto-generated from Wikidata entries. Tags reflect the subjective opinion of Wikidata editors, not the listing authorities or British Listed Buildings. Not all listed buildings have a Wikidata entry, and not all Wikidata entries have data that can be used to generate tags.
S-Bahn station
(1 tagged buildings)
Train station for the S-Bahn or RER
(6 tagged buildings)
Storage room in or attached to a church
(7 tagged buildings)
Health care facilities for the chronically ill
(2 tagged buildings)
Shrine of the Catholic Church
(4 tagged buildings)
Box-like funeral receptacle
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of sandstone block found in the United Kingdom
Saw pit
(1 tagged buildings)
Pit providing space for timber to be sawn by a two-person team from below and from above
(33 tagged buildings)
Plant for processing tree trunks into boards and beams
Scale model
(1 tagged buildings)
Physical representation of an object
Scheduled monument
(1 tagged buildings)
Nationally important archaeological site or historic building in the United Kingdom
Scholarly article
(1 tagged buildings)
Article in an academic publication, usually peer reviewed
(60 tagged buildings)
Institution designed to teach students under the direction of school teacher
School building
(2,945 tagged buildings)
Individual buildings or groups of buildings designed or used as places of instruction
School chapel
(2 tagged buildings)
School library
(10 tagged buildings)
Library within a school
School of Pedagogy
(2 tagged buildings)
Higher education institution educating schoolteachers
Science museum
(1 tagged buildings)
Museum devoted primarily to science
Scientific society
(1 tagged buildings)
Society dealing with a special field of science
Scottish Baronial architecture
(23 tagged buildings)
Style of architecture with its origins in the sixteenth century
Scottish civil parish
(6 tagged buildings)
Civil administrative division of Scotland, below the level of local authority
Scout centre
(1 tagged buildings)
Activity centre for Scouting
Scout hall
(1 tagged buildings)
Building used as a meeting place by a Scout Group
Sculptural group
(6 tagged buildings)
Various sculptures that belong together
(318 tagged buildings)
Three-dimensional work of art
Sculpture series
(3 tagged buildings)
Type of series
Sea fort
(3 tagged buildings)
Fortification at sea
Sea wall
(20 tagged buildings)
Coastal defence
(7 tagged buildings)
Object for sitting on
Seat of government
(1 tagged buildings)
Building, complex of buildings or city from which a government exercises its authority
Seat of local government
(595 tagged buildings)
Chief administrative building of a municipality
Secondary school
(72 tagged buildings)
Organisation where secondary education is provided
Secularized church
(3 tagged buildings)
Church that was a place of worship and currently has other uses, such as a museum, library, restaurant, exhibition hall, etc.
Self storage
(1 tagged buildings)
An industry in which storage space (such as rooms, lockers, containers, and/or outdoor space), also known as "storage units" is rented to tenants, usually on a short-term basis
Self-managed social centre
(1 tagged buildings)
Community self-managed spaces in which anti-authoritarians self-organise activities
Self-service laundry
(1 tagged buildings)
Venue where one may hire the use of a washing machine
Semi-detached house
(110 tagged buildings)
(12 tagged buildings)
Institution for educating students in theology
Sentry box
(3 tagged buildings)
Booth erected to provide elementary shelter to a sentry
Sepulchral chapel
(31 tagged buildings)
Sepulchral monument
(1 tagged buildings)
Structures marking or denoting burial sites
Service building
(1 tagged buildings)
Building specially designed to contain constantly working machinery like pumps, transformers or measuring equipment
Serviced office
(1 tagged buildings)
Office or office building that is fully equipped and managed by a facility management company
Session house
(24 tagged buildings)
Ecclesiastical building used as the location of meetings of a local religious congregation's presiding body
Sessions house
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of courthouse in the United Kingdom
(1 tagged buildings)
Well-defined mathematical collection of distinct objects
(1 tagged buildings)
Set of items held singly
(1 tagged buildings)
Piece of natural stone used for paving roads, sett is distinct from a cobblestone by being quarried and shaped to a regular form, whereas cobblestone naturally have a rounded shape due to erosion
Settlement site
(1 tagged buildings)
Site of a former settlement of archaeological interest
Sewer gas destructor lamp
(33 tagged buildings)
Street lamp powered by burning sewer gas
Sewer vent
(52 tagged buildings)
Structure used for ventilation of a sewer
Sewerage aqueduct
(2 tagged buildings)
An aqueduct which carries sewerage
Sewerage pumping station
(8 tagged buildings)
Installation used to move sewerage uphill
(1 tagged buildings)
Part of a column
Shared housing
(1 tagged buildings)
(2 tagged buildings)
Large closed shed used for storage, depot
(32 tagged buildings)
Refers to modest outbuildings used for shelter or storage
(5 tagged buildings)
Building for raising sheep
(1 tagged buildings)
A pen or shelter for sheep
(1 tagged buildings)
Flat horizontal plane used for storage
Shell grotto
(4 tagged buildings)
A type of folly, a grotto decorated with sea shells
Shell keep
(2 tagged buildings)
Style of medieval fortification
(103 tagged buildings)
Basic architectural structure or building that provides cover from the elements
(103 tagged buildings)
Basic architectural structure or building providing protection from the local environment
Sheltered housing
(1 tagged buildings)
Housing providing a level of social support for residents
Sheriff district court
(7 tagged buildings)
Scottish criminal and civil court
Shieling hut
(1 tagged buildings)
Small stone or turf dwelling on upland pastures
(2 tagged buildings)
Place where ships are repaired and built
(1,566 tagged buildings)
Place where items or services are sold
Shopping arcade
(54 tagged buildings)
Linear shopping centre
Shopping centre
(24 tagged buildings)
Small complex of shops
Shopping district
(1 tagged buildings)
Shot tower
(3 tagged buildings)
Tower for the production of shot pellets
(6 tagged buildings)
Room where products are displayed
(4 tagged buildings)
Holy or sacred place, which is dedicated to a specific deity
(1 tagged buildings)
Column-shaped religious monument, mostly at a road
(4 tagged buildings)
Pedestrian path along the side of a road
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of railway track
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of railway track
Signal box
(157 tagged buildings)
Building near a railway track that contains the controls to operate signals and points and other equipment used to regulate the movement of trains
Signal tower
(1 tagged buildings)
General term for an elevated structure, either open or enclosed, from which signals of any kind are sent
(36 tagged buildings)
Type of road sign
(4 tagged buildings)
Structure for storing bulk materials
Single-family detached home
(16 tagged buildings)
Free-standing residential building
Site of Special Scientific Interest
(2 tagged buildings)
Conservation designation denoting a protected area in the United Kingdom
(1 tagged buildings)
Place that was built for skating
(1 tagged buildings)
Form of shed used for drying fish, notably in the Orkney and Shetland Islands, Scotland, UK
Skittle alley
(5 tagged buildings)
Long narrow building in which skittles is played
(7 tagged buildings)
Very tall building
(2 tagged buildings)
Type of padway
(13 tagged buildings)
Facility where animals are killed for consumption as food products
(14 tagged buildings)
Ramp on the shore by which ships or boats can be moved to and from the water
(18 tagged buildings)
Hydraulic structure
(1 tagged buildings)
Covered passage usually found in monasteries or cathedrals between the transept and the chapter house
(1 tagged buildings)
An installation or factory for smelting a metal from its ore
(836 tagged buildings)
Workshops of a blacksmith, who is an ironsmith who makes iron into tools or other objects
Smock mill
(29 tagged buildings)
Type of windmill
(1 tagged buildings)
Building where meat or fish is cured with smoke
Snack bar
(1 tagged buildings)
Inexpensive food counter
Social centre
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of community space used for a range of disparate activities, which can be linked only by being not-for-profit
Social club
(2 tagged buildings)
Group of people or place where they meet
Sorting office
(3 tagged buildings)
Souterrain house
(1 tagged buildings)
House placed in slope
Spa house
(3 tagged buildings)
Type of spa architecture from the 19th century
Special archive
(1 tagged buildings)
Special education school
(2 tagged buildings)
School for students with disabilities
Special library
(1 tagged buildings)
Specialized library providing resources on a particular topic or discipline
Special school
(2 tagged buildings)
School focusing on the special needs of students with disabilities
Spinning mill
(17 tagged buildings)
(1 tagged buildings)
Tapering structure on top of a building
Sports bar
(1 tagged buildings)
Sports-themed drinking establishment
Sports club
(3 tagged buildings)
Organisation for the purpose of playing one or more sports
Sports complex
(1 tagged buildings)
Collection of sporting venues within a single area
Sports pavilion
(1 tagged buildings)
Building providing facilities for users of sports grounds
Sports venue
(17 tagged buildings)
Building, structure, or place dedicated to sports
(1 tagged buildings)
Water source
(7 tagged buildings)
Source of a stream or spring
(4 tagged buildings)
Open public spaces in cities or towns, usually rectilinear, surrounded by buildings, and often located at the junction of two or more thoroughfares
Squash court
(3 tagged buildings)
Squash court
(3 tagged buildings)
(5,400 tagged buildings)
Building for horses and other livestock
(1 tagged buildings)
Place or venue for (mostly) outdoor sports, concerts, or other events
Staff quarters
(1 tagged buildings)
Staircase locks
(1 tagged buildings)
(99 tagged buildings)
Construction designed to bridge a large vertical distance by dividing it into steps
(1 tagged buildings)
Shaft within a building housing staircases and landings
Standing stone
(3 tagged buildings)
Stone set in the ground vertically, as a neolithic monument
State Care Monument
(1 tagged buildings)
Historic site or monument managed by the Department for Communities in Northern Ireland
Stately home
(13 tagged buildings)
Type of great country house found in the British Isles
Station building
(87 tagged buildings)
Main building of a passenger railway station
Station located on surface
(19 tagged buildings)
Type of station
Station located underground
(5 tagged buildings)
Type of station
Station master's house
(5 tagged buildings)
Residential building for railway station masters
(1 tagged buildings)
Shop that sells stationery
(1,101 tagged buildings)
Sculpture primarily conceived as a representational figure
Steam crane
(2 tagged buildings)
Crane powered by a steam engine
Steam engine
(1 tagged buildings)
Heat engine that performs mechanical work using steam as its working fluid
Steam mill
(1 tagged buildings)
Steam-powered mechanism
Steel bridge
(24 tagged buildings)
Bridge made of steel
Steel mill
(1 tagged buildings)
Plant for steelmaking
(9 tagged buildings)
Tall tower, usually on a church or public building
(1 tagged buildings)
Windmill with gallery
(1 tagged buildings)
An elevated portion of a walkway that often forms one part of staircase
(1 tagged buildings)
Elevated portion of a walkway that often forms one part of staircase
(50 tagged buildings)
Structure which provides people a passage through or over a fence or boundary
Stock exchange
(1 tagged buildings)
Organisation that provides services for stock brokers and traders to trade securities
(113 tagged buildings)
Restraint and punishment device
(7 tagged buildings)
Rock or artificial rock-like material
Stone arch bridge
(126 tagged buildings)
Arch bridge built of stones
Stone ball
(1 tagged buildings)
Spherical stone or natural or artificial origin
Stone bridge
(75 tagged buildings)
Type of bridge design with stone or brick material
Stone building
(1 tagged buildings)
Building made of stone
Stone circle
(2 tagged buildings)
Monument of standing stones arranged in a circle
Stone cross
(174 tagged buildings)
Christian monument made of stone
Stone row
(1 tagged buildings)
Linear arrangement of upright, parallel megalithic standing stones
(3 tagged buildings)
Place or device for storing material or immaterial objects
Storage building
(6 tagged buildings)
Storage room
(2 tagged buildings)
Room for storing objects
Stream gauge
(1 tagged buildings)
Locations used to monitor surface water flow
Streamline Moderne
(9 tagged buildings)
Late type of the Art Deco architecture and design
(19 tagged buildings)
Public thoroughfare in a built environment
Street clock
(2 tagged buildings)
Clock mounted on a post
Street furniture
(2 tagged buildings)
Collective term for objects and pieces of equipment installed outdoors for various purposes
(873 tagged buildings)
A raised source of light on the edge of a road or walkway
Student housing
(7 tagged buildings)
Student accommodation
Students' union
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of student organisation
(4 tagged buildings)
Working places set aside for artists to work, the term is generally applied to workspaces used by artists creating fine art, particularly art dating from the 16th century to the present
(1 tagged buildings)
Room in a house which is used for paperwork, computer work, or reading
Submerged dam
(1 tagged buildings)
Dam which has been surbmerged, usually due to a newer dam built downstream
Subscription library
(9 tagged buildings)
Library that requires payment to become a member
(1 tagged buildings)
Underground space, natural and man-made underground structures
(8 tagged buildings)
Underpass for pedestrians and cycles
Summer house
(323 tagged buildings)
Building used for relaxation in warm weather
(1 tagged buildings)
Point on a surface that is higher in elevation than all points immediately adjacent to it, in topography
Sunday school
(106 tagged buildings)
Christian educational institution
(850 tagged buildings)
Device that tells the time of day by the apparent position of the Sun in the sky
(72 tagged buildings)
Room having glass roof and walls, typically attached to a house
(3 tagged buildings)
Large form of the traditional grocery store
Surface shaft
(1 tagged buildings)
Shaft reaching to ground level
Surge tank
(1 tagged buildings)
Water storage device to smooth pressure variations
(18 tagged buildings)
Rooms or offices where medical and paramedical professions, particularly those of general practitioners, are practiced, patients examined, and treatment prescribed, private houses or offices
Suspension bridge
(49 tagged buildings)
Type of bridge
Sutherland Estates 1830s bridge
(2 tagged buildings)
Style of rubble masonry stone arch road bridges erected by Sutherland Estates in the 1830s
Swan pit
(1 tagged buildings)
A water-filled enclosure where swans were fattened and eventually killed for human consumption
Swimming centre
(8 tagged buildings)
Building containing a swimming pool
Swimming pool
(38 tagged buildings)
Excavation or containment structure filled with water and used for swimming
Swing bridge
(23 tagged buildings)
Movable bridge that has a vertical locating pin and support ring about which the turning span can pivot horizontally
(48 tagged buildings)
Jewish (or rarely Samaritan) house of prayer
Synagogue desecrated
(1 tagged buildings)
Building that was used as a synagogue and currently has other uses. synagogue was deconsecrated