Tags are auto-generated from Wikidata entries. Tags reflect the subjective opinion of Wikidata editors, not the listing authorities or British Listed Buildings. Not all listed buildings have a Wikidata entry, and not all Wikidata entries have data that can be used to generate tags.
(70 tagged buildings)
Business enterprise established for the processing of animal milk
Dairy barn
(2 tagged buildings)
Free standing barn for dairy farming
(63 tagged buildings)
Barrier that impounds water or underground streams
Dance hall
(5 tagged buildings)
Hall for dancing
Dance school
(1 tagged buildings)
Dance instruction organisation
Dance studio
(2 tagged buildings)
Place for dance education and practicing
Dartmoor longhouse
(1 tagged buildings)
Data centre
(1 tagged buildings)
Building or room where computer servers and related equipment are operated
(1 tagged buildings)
Typically an embedded stone with the date of engraving and other information carved into it
Day beacon
(1 tagged buildings)
Unlighted nautical sea mark
Day care
(1 tagged buildings)
Establishment offering care of during the day of children of pre-school age
Day school
(5 tagged buildings)
Type of school
(6 tagged buildings)
Daytime identifier of an aid to navigation
Daymark tower
(3 tagged buildings)
Built structure used as an aid to daylight navigation
Dead-end station
(24 tagged buildings)
Railway station where trains can only enter and exit from one end
Deanery (building)
(3 tagged buildings)
House of a dean
Debtors' prison
(2 tagged buildings)
Prison for people who are unable to pay debt
Deck arch bridge
(14 tagged buildings)
Bridge with deck on top of arch structure
Decorated gothic
(3 tagged buildings)
Architectural style
Deep bunker
(1 tagged buildings)
Subterranean space for civil or military usage
Deer park
(1 tagged buildings)
Enclosed area containing deer in medieval and Early Modern England
Defensible barracks
(1 tagged buildings)
Fortified barrack block
Defensive wall
(7 tagged buildings)
Fortification used to protect an area from potential aggressors
(2 tagged buildings)
Emergency equipment for restarting stopped hearts.
(1 tagged buildings)
Natural or supernatural god or goddess, divine being
Dental clinic
(5 tagged buildings)
Medical facility that diagnose, treat and prevent oral and maxillofacial conditions
Dental surgeon
(1 tagged buildings)
Dental surgery
(2 tagged buildings)
Surgery of the teeth and jaw bones
Department store
(19 tagged buildings)
Retail establishment; building which offers a wide range of consumer goods
Derelict building
(1 tagged buildings)
Abandoned structure
Design museum
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of museum
Destroyed building or structure
(33 tagged buildings)
Building or structure that has been demolished or destroyed
Detached house
(31 tagged buildings)
Houses that stand apart with no walls in common with other structures
Device Fort
(14 tagged buildings)
Artillery fortifications built to defend the southern coast of England by Henry VIII
Dharma centre
(1 tagged buildings)
Non-monastic Buddhist centre in a community
Dining room
(1 tagged buildings)
Room for consuming food
Diocesan shrine
(5 tagged buildings)
Designation given to a Catholic church at the diocesan level to recognize its special historical, cultural, or religious significance
Discontinued post office
(2 tagged buildings)
Post office that no longer operates; interesting to philately and postal history
(1 tagged buildings)
Building, where dance events take place; nightclub playing disco music
(1 tagged buildings)
Organisation that dispenses medications, medical supplies, and in some cases even medical treatment
(31 tagged buildings)
Facility or company that manufactures alcoholic beverages through distillation
Diving platform
(1 tagged buildings)
Tower from which to jump or dive into water from
(36 tagged buildings)
Human-made structure involved in the handling of boats or ships
Doctor's office
(4 tagged buildings)
General medical practice
Dog track
(1 tagged buildings)
Racing circuit for dogs
(1 tagged buildings)
Small shed commonly built in the shape of a house, intended to provide dogs with a sense of security and protection
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of single-chamber megalithic tomb
Dominican convent
(1 tagged buildings)
(1 tagged buildings)
Flat, movable structure used to open and close an entrance
Door frame
(1 tagged buildings)
Wooden or metallic framework that is slightly bigger than the door it supports and that consists of two parallel upright members (side jambs) on top of which rests a horizontal member (head jamb or lintel). It may include a sill at the bottom
(6 tagged buildings)
Architectural portal containing a door
Doric order
(1 tagged buildings)
Ancient Greek architectural order
(7 tagged buildings)
Sleeping quarters or entire buildings primarily providing sleeping and residential quarters for large numbers of people such as boarding school, high school, college or university students.
Double curvature arch dam
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of arch dam
Double house
(117 tagged buildings)
Houses with separate dwelling units for two individual families placed side by side and separated horizontally by party walls
Double-decker bridge
(2 tagged buildings)
Bridge with an upper and lower deck
(1,898 tagged buildings)
A structure built for the purposes of housing birds
Dower house
(18 tagged buildings)
UK term for a large house available to an estate owner's widow
Dragon boundary mark
(4 tagged buildings)
Type of sculpture marking boundaries of the City of London
Draw bridge
(2 tagged buildings)
Bridge type
Draw dock
(1 tagged buildings)
(1 tagged buildings)
Type of movable bridge
Drill hall
(27 tagged buildings)
Building or a hangar where soldiers practice and perform military drill
Drill tower
(1 tagged buildings)
Tower and training facility for firefighters
Drinking fountain
(346 tagged buildings)
Fountain designed to provide drinking water
Driveway bridge
(64 tagged buildings)
Dry dock
(19 tagged buildings)
A narrow basin that can be sealed and pumped dry to allow work on a vessel
Drying house
(296 tagged buildings)
(1 tagged buildings)
Room or cell in which prisoners are held, usually during the Middle Ages and Renaissance
Dutch barn
(11 tagged buildings)
Type of barn
Dutch Colonial Revival architecture
(1 tagged buildings)
Style of domestic architecture
Dwarf statue
(1 tagged buildings)
Statue depicting a dwarf
(3 tagged buildings)
Set of two entities
(1 tagged buildings)
Manufacturing facility for dyeing textile