Tags are auto-generated from Wikidata entries. Tags reflect the subjective opinion of Wikidata editors, not the listing authorities or British Listed Buildings. Not all listed buildings have a Wikidata entry, and not all Wikidata entries have data that can be used to generate tags.
Vacation property
(1 tagged buildings)
Niche in the real estate market
Vacation rental
(7 tagged buildings)
Furnished apartment for short-term stays
(5 tagged buildings)
Open container, often used to hold cut flowers
(3 tagged buildings)
Architectural term for an arched form used to provide a space with a ceiling or roof
Venetian Gothic architecture
(4 tagged buildings)
Architectural style of Medieval Venice
Ventilation shaft
(32 tagged buildings)
Vertical passages used in mines and tunnels to move fresh air underground, and to remove stale air
Ventilation shaft
(1 tagged buildings)
Underground mine ventilation
Ventilation tower
(2 tagged buildings)
(19 tagged buildings)
Place used for some activity
Vernacular architecture
(16 tagged buildings)
Category of architecture based on local needs, construction materials and reflecting local traditions
Version, edition, or translation
(1 tagged buildings)
Specific version of a work, resulting from its edition, adaptation, or translation; set of substantially similar copies of a work
Vertical-lift bridge
(1 tagged buildings)
Movable bridge in which a span rises vertically while remaining parallel with the deck
Veterinary hospital
(5 tagged buildings)
Health care institution for animals
(179 tagged buildings)
Type of bridge crossing a valley or a gorge
Victorian architecture
(18 tagged buildings)
Series of architectural revival styles
Victory column
(3 tagged buildings)
Monument in the form of a column
Viewing tower
(1 tagged buildings)
Structure used to view the surrounding landscape for tourism purposes
(2 tagged buildings)
Sanskrit and Pāli term for a residence, monastery usually Buddhist
(1,774 tagged buildings)
Used since the Roman period to designate country houses, generally of some pretension, and often including their outbuildings and gardens
Villa rustica
(1 tagged buildings)
Roman villa set in the open countryside, often as the hub of a large agricultural estate
(2 tagged buildings)
Small clustered human settlement smaller than a town
Village green
(1 tagged buildings)
Common open area within a settlement
Village hall
(126 tagged buildings)
Building within a village which contains at least one large room, usually owned by and run for the benefit of the local community
Village lock-up
(84 tagged buildings)
Historic building once used for the temporary detention of people
Visitor centre
(4 tagged buildings)
Combination of tourist centre and museum directly related to a point of interest or the local area
Visual artwork
(1 tagged buildings)
Work of art that is primarily visual
(1 tagged buildings)
Area for keeping and raising animals or plants
Voluntary aided school
(19 tagged buildings)
Type of school in England and Wales
Voluntary controlled school
(3 tagged buildings)
Type of state-funded school in England, Wales and Northern Ireland