IIWaundwrgi farmhouse 2 km E of the village of Llanddewi Velfrey, reached by a lane branching to the S of the A40(T) opposite to Gwindy.
IIWaun Farmhouse (former) On the E side of a large farmyard complex (from which the dwelling has now been detached) at the end of lane off the E side of a minor road about 1.1km N of the church of St Mary.
IIWaunmynich Farmhouse In the NW part of the community, NW of the hamlet of Llan-y-wern, on high ground a little W of Waunymynach Common.
IIWaunyrhafod Situated near the centre of Hermon, down a track off the W side of the B4333.
II*Wegnall Old Farmhouse Close by Hindwell Brook (marking the English border) and reached by an irregular farm track from the Presteigne to Kington road
II*Wegnall Old Farmhouse Close by Hindwell Brook (marking the English border) and reached by an irregular farm track from the Presteigne to Kington road.