History in Structure

Listed Buildings in Lacock, Wiltshire

  1. II 1, Nethercote Hill
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  2. II 1, Reybridge
    Reybridge, Wiltshire, SN15
  3. II 1, West Street Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  4. II 10, Church Street Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  5. II 10, High Street Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  6. II 10, West Street Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  7. II 11 and 12, Church Street Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  8. II 11, High Street Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  9. II 11, Reybridge
    Reybridge, Wiltshire, SN15
  10. II 11, West Street Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  11. II 12 and 12A, West Street Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  12. II 12, East Street Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  13. II 12A, East Street Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  14. II 12A, High Street Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  15. II 14, East Street Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  16. II* 14-16, Church Street Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  17. II 15, East Street Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  18. II 15, West Street Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  19. II 15-17, High Street Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  20. II 16 and 17, East Street Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  21. II 18 and 19, Notton
    Lackham, Wiltshire, SN15
  22. II 18, East Street Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  23. II 18, High Street Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  24. II 18A, High Street
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  25. II 19, High Street Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  26. II 2 and 3, East Street
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  27. II 2, Cantax Hill Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  28. II 2, Nethercote Hill Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  29. II 2, West Street Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  30. II* 2-5, High Street Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  31. II 20 and 21, Notton
    Lackham, Wiltshire, SN15
  32. II 20, Church Street Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  33. II 20, High Street Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  34. II 21, High Street Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  35. II 22, High Street Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  36. II 23 and 24, Church Street Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  37. II 25 and 26, Church Street Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  38. II 26 and 27, Notton
    Lackham, Wiltshire, SN15
  39. II 27, Church Street Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  40. II 28, Church Street Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  41. II 3 and 4, Nethercote Hill
    Reybridge, Wiltshire, SN15
  42. II 3, Cantax Hill Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  43. II 3, Church Street Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  44. II 3, West Street Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  45. II 31-33, Reybridge
    Reybridge, Wiltshire, SN15
  46. II 4 and 5, Church Street
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  47. II 4 and 5, East Street Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  48. II 4, Chapel Hill
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  49. II 4, Reybridge
    Reybridge, Wiltshire, SN15
  50. II 5 and 6, Reybridge
    Reybridge, Wiltshire, SN15
  51. II 5, West Street Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  52. II 5-7, Cantax Hill Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  53. II 6 and 7, East Street Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  54. II 6 and 7, High Street
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  55. II 6 and 7, West Street Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  56. II 7, Bowden Hill
    Bowden Hill, Wiltshire, SN15
  57. II 7, Church Street Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  58. II 7-9, Notton
    Notton, Wiltshire, SN15
  59. II 8 and 8A, Church Street Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  60. II 8 and 9, West Street Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  61. II 8, East Street Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  62. II 8, High Street Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  63. II 8, Reybridge
    Reybridge, Wiltshire, SN15
  64. II 9, Church Street Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  65. II 9, High Street Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  66. II 9-11, East Street Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  67. II Apple Tree Cottage
    Bowden Hill, Wiltshire, SN15
  68. II Arnolds Farmhouse
    Bowden Hill, Wiltshire, SN15
  69. II Arum Cottage
    Notton, Wiltshire, SN15
  70. II Barn at Catridge Farm Photos
    Wiltshire, SN15
  71. II Barn at Rowden Farm
    Wiltshire, SN15
  72. II* Barn at Wick Farm
    Wiltshire, SN15
  73. II Barn Range at Bowden Park Farm Photos
    Wiltshire, SN15
  74. II Barn to East of Tithe Barn at Manor Farm Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  75. II Barn to North East of New Farmhouse
    Notton, Wiltshire, SN13
  76. II Barn to South East of Showell Farmhouse
    Wiltshire, SN15
  77. I Bewley Court Photos
    Reybridge, Wiltshire, SN15
  78. II Bowden Hill House
    Bowden Hill, Wiltshire, SN15
  79. II Bowden Hill War Memorial Cross
    St Anne's Church, Bowden Hill, Wiltshire, SN15
  80. I Bowden Park
    Bowden Hill, Wiltshire, SN15
  81. II Bowden Park Farmhouse
    Wiltshire, SN15
  82. II Bridge House Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  83. II* Cantax House and Front Garden Wall Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  84. II Catridge Farmhouse
    Wiltshire, SN15
  85. II Chamberlain's House Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  86. II Church of St Anne
    St Anne's Church, Bowden Hill, Wiltshire, SN15
  87. I Church of St Cyriac Photos
    St Cyriac's Church, Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  88. II Church of St Stephen (United Reformed and Methodist) Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  89. II Coach House to the Old Malthouse
    Bowden Hill, Wiltshire, SN15
  90. II Cottage Adjacent to No 4 Folly Lane
    Notton, Wiltshire, SN15
  91. II Cuckoo Bush Farmhouse
    Reybridge, Wiltshire, SN15
  92. II Disused Cottage to South of No 1
    Reybridge, Wiltshire, SN15
  93. II Drying Shed in Tanyard Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  94. II East Lodge to Bowden Park
    Bowden Hill, Wiltshire, SN15
  95. II Entrance Screen, Lodge, East Side Wall and South End Building in Stable Yard at Lackham House
    Lackham, Wiltshire, SN15
  96. II Feilding Monument in Churchyard East of Chancel of Church of St Cyriac
    St Cyriac's Church, Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  97. II Five Monuments Scattered in South West Angle of Churchyard of Church of St Cyriac
    St Cyriac's Church, Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  98. II Front Lodge, Lackham College
    Lackham, Wiltshire, SN15
  99. II Garden Balustrading to South of Lackham House
    Lackham, Wiltshire, SN15
  100. II Granary to South of Showell Farmhouse
    Wiltshire, SN15
  101. II Group of Seven Monuments in Churchyard South of South Aisle of Church of St Cyriac Photos
    St Cyriac's Church, Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  102. II Guest House at Bowden Park
    Bowden Hill, Wiltshire, SN15
  103. II Harris Memorial in Churchyard South of Chancel of Church of St Anne
    St Anne's Church, Bowden Hill, Wiltshire, SN15
  104. II Hill Cottage
    Reybridge, Wiltshire, SN15
  105. II Holly Cottage
    Reybridge, Wiltshire, SN15
  106. II Home Park
    Lackham, Wiltshire, SN15
  107. II Ice House to North of Walled Garden at Bowden Park
    Bowden Hill, Wiltshire, SN15
  108. II K6 Telephone Kiosk, Melksham Road
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  109. II* King John's Hunting Lodge Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  110. II Lackham House
    Lackham, Wiltshire, SN15
  111. I Lacock Abbey with Stable Yard Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  112. II* Lacock Bridge
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  113. II Lacock Primary School Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  114. II Lacock Stores Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  115. II Little Notton Farmhouse
    Notton, Wiltshire, SN15
  116. II Little Wick Wick Farmhouse
    Wiltshire, SN15
  117. II Lovers' Walk
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  118. II Manor Farmhouse
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  119. II Mead Farmhouse
    Bowden Hill, Wiltshire, SN15
  120. II Milestone at Junction with Corsham Road
    Notton, Wiltshire, SN15
  121. II Milestone South East of Church of St Anne
    Bowden Hill, Wiltshire, SN15
  122. II New Farmhouse
    Notton, Wiltshire, SN13
  123. II No 14 (Grove House) and Barn Attached
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  124. II* No 14 (The Porch House), with Cottage and Garage Range to East Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  125. II No 5 (Notton Cottage) and Screen Walls to Road Photos
    Notton, Wiltshire, SN15
  126. II Notton House
    Notton, Wiltshire, SN15
  127. II Notton Lodge
    Notton, Wiltshire, SN15
  128. II Notton War Memorial
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  129. II Outbuilding at Manor Farm to North of Manor Farmhouse
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  130. II Outbuilding on North Side of Stable Yard at Notton Lodge
    Notton, Wiltshire, SN15
  131. II Outbuilding to North of Stable Court at Lacock Abbey Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  132. II Outbuilding to Rear of Manor Farmhouse
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  133. II Pigeon House to South of No 8
    Reybridge, Wiltshire, SN15
  134. II Rey Bridge
    Reybridge, Wiltshire, SN15
  135. II Rey Mill House
    Reybridge, Wiltshire, SN15
  136. II Reybridge House
    Reybridge, Wiltshire, SN15
  137. II* Rowden Farmhouse with Barn, Outbuildings and Gatepiers Attached
    Wiltshire, SN15
  138. II Saddler's Green
    Bowden Hill, Wiltshire, SN15
  139. II Showell Farmhouse
    Wiltshire, SN15
  140. II Stable and Barn Range to South West of Wick Farmhouse
    Wiltshire, SN15
  141. II Stable and Coach House to South of No 5
    Notton, Wiltshire, SN15
  142. II Stable at Rowden Farm
    Wiltshire, SN15
  143. II Stable Block at Bowden Park
    Bowden Hill, Wiltshire, SN15
  144. II Stable Range, Gatepiers and Wall at Notton Lodge
    Notton, Wiltshire, SN15
  145. II Stable to Cantax House, to Rear of Nos 6 and 7
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  146. II Strode House
    Bowden Hill, Wiltshire, SN15
  147. II Sundawn Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  148. II Sundial on Terrace South East of Lacock Abbey Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  149. II Terrace Wall and Balustrade to West and South of Bowden Park
    Bowden Hill, Wiltshire, SN15
  150. II Thatch Cottage
    Notton, Wiltshire, SN15
  151. II The Carpenters Arms Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  152. II The Columns, North of Drive to Lacock Abbey Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  153. II* The Conduit House Photos
    Bowden Hill, Wiltshire, SN15
  154. II* The Corner House Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  155. II The Folly
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  156. II The Fox Talbot Museum and Abbey Lodge and Entrance Gates Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  157. II The George Inn Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  158. II* The Grotto at Bowden Park
    Bowden Hill, Wiltshire, SN15
  159. II The Lock Up Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  160. II The Old Brewery House and Attached Premises
    Bowden Hill, Wiltshire, SN15
  161. II The Old Coaching House
    Bowden Hill, Wiltshire, SN15
  162. II The Old Malthouse
    Bowden Hill, Wiltshire, SN15
  163. II The Old Rectory
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  164. II The Packhorse Bridge Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  165. II The Red House Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  166. II The Red Lion Inn Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  167. II* The Sign of the Angel Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  168. II The Surgery
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  169. II The Tanyard Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  170. II The Village Hall Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  171. II The War Memorial Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  172. II Three Monuments in Churchyard About 25 Metres South of Chancel of Church of St Cyriac Photos
    St Cyriac's Church, Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  173. II Three Monuments in Churchyard Adjacent to South Wall of Chancel of Church of St Cyriac
    St Cyriac's Church, Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  174. I Tithe Barn at Manor Farm Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  175. II Town Bridge Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  176. II Tucker Memorial in Churchyard About 3 Metres North of Tower of Church of St Cyriac Photos
    St Cyriac's Church, Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  177. II Two Monuments About 9 Metres West of South Aisle of Church of St Cyriac
    St Cyriac's Church, Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  178. II Two Monuments in Churchyard by Path South of South Transept of Church of St Cyriac
    St Cyriac's Church, Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  179. II Two Unidentified Monuments 1 Metre Apart, About 14 Metres South of Tower of Church of St Cyriac
    St Cyriac's Church, Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  180. II Unidentified Monument About 13 Metres South West of Tower of Church of St Cyriac
    St Cyriac's Church, Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  181. II Unidentified Monument About 8 Metres South West of Tower of Church of St Cyriac
    St Cyriac's Church, Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  182. II Unidentified Monument in Churchyard About 16 Metres South of Chancel of Church of St Cyriac
    St Cyriac's Church, Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  183. II* Village Cross 10m S of Lacock Church of England Primary School Photos
    Lacock, Wiltshire, SN15
  184. II Walls to Walled Garden at Bowden Park
    Bowden Hill, Wiltshire, SN15
  185. II West Lodges and Gates to Bowden Park
    Bowden Hill, Wiltshire, SN15
  186. II Wharf Cottage
    Bowden Hill, Wiltshire, SN15
  187. II White Hall Farmhouse
    Reybridge, Wiltshire, SN15
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