History in Structure

Listed Buildings in Usk, Monmouthshire

  1. II 10, Twyn Square, Usk, Usk Photos
    The lower end of the W range of Twyn Square.
  2. II 11, Baron Street, Usk, Usk
    Situated in SW part of town, close to the River Usk; this short terrace is near the end of Baron Street.
  3. II 12, Baron Street, Usk, Usk Photos
    Part of the upper terrace leading off the old Market Square.
  4. II 13, Baron Street, Usk, Usk
    Situated in SW part of town, close to the River Usk; this short terrace is near the end of Baron Street.
  5. II 17, New Market Street, Usk, Usk Photos
    Opposite The Lawns.
  6. II 19, New Market Street, Usk, Usk Photos
    Opposite The Lawns.
  7. II 19, Old Market Street, Usk, Usk Photos
    Part of a long range with doors opening onto pavement.
  8. II 2 Four Ash Street, and attached iron railings Photos
    Adjacent to the E entrance to the churchyard, on a corner site facing up the street.
  9. II 2, Castle Parade, Usk, Usk Photos
    Adjacent to the bank on the corner of Maryport Street, by the main town crossroads.
  10. II 20 Maryport Street Photos
    At the top end of the upper W range of Maryport Street, adjacent to the Old Grammar School and the first of the domestic range opening onto the flagged and cobbled pavement.
  11. II 21, Old Market Street, Usk, Usk Photos
    Part of a long range with doors opening onto pavement.
  12. II 22 Maryport Street Photos
    At the top end of the upper W range of Maryport Street, adjacent to the Old Grammar School and the first of the domestic range opening onto the flagged and cobbled pavement.
  13. II 23 Four Ash Street Photos
    Centre left house of a terrace of four, NE of the priory.
  14. II 23, Old Market Street, Usk, Usk Photos
    Part of a long range with doors opening onto pavement.
  15. II 24 Maryport Street Photos
    Part of a group set back from road with cobbled forecourts and stone-flagged paths.
  16. II 25, Bridge Street, Usk, Usk Photos
    Part of a continous range on the upper S side of the high street, nearly opposite the rear entrance to the Three Salmons Hotel.
  17. II 25, Old Market Street, Usk, Usk Photos
    Part of a long range with doors opening onto pavement.
  18. II 27 Four Ash Street Photos
    The centre right pair of houses of a terrace of four, NE of the priory.
  19. II* 27, Old Market Street, Usk, Usk Photos
    Part of a long range with doors opening onto pavement.
  20. II 29 Four Ash Street Photos
    The centre right pair of houses of a terrace of four, NE of the Priory.
  21. II 29, Old Market Street, Usk, Usk Photos
    Attached to the W end of the long range 17-27 Old Market Street.
  22. II 3, Maryport Street, Usk, Usk Photos
    At the top of the street and attached to Barclays Bank.
  23. II 3, Twyn Square, Usk, Usk Photos
    Adjoining the former United Reformed Church at the top of the Square (E), set back from the road by a wide pavement.
  24. II 31 Four Ash Street Photos
    House at end right of a terrace of four, NE of the priory.
  25. II 33, New Market Street, Usk, Usk
    Near the lower end of the E side of New Market Street and opposite the War Memorial behind the Market Hall.
  26. II 33, Old Market Street, Usk, Usk Photos
    A corner position, opposite the Kings Head Hotel and the E end house of the range facing the Market Hall.
  27. II 35, New Market Street, Usk, Usk
    Near the lower end of the E side of New Market Street and opposite the War Memorial behind the Market Hall.
  28. II 38 Maryport Street, Usk, Usk Photos
    Near the lower end of the upper W range of Maryport Street, by the corner with Old Market Street, no.38 attached to the former chapel.
  29. II 39, New Market Street, Usk, Usk
    At the very lower E end of the street, on the corner with Old Market Street.
  30. II 40 Maryport Street, Usk, Usk Photos
    Near the lower end of the upper W range of Maryport Street, by the corner with Old Market Street, no.38 attached to the former chapel.
  31. II 42 Maryport Street, Usk, Usk Photos
    Near the lower end of the upper W range of Maryport Street, by the corner with Old Market Street, no.38 attached to the former chapel.
  32. II 47 & 49 and attached iron railings and attached archway Photos
    Now forming the corner to the pedestrian access to the car-park to rear of shops on S Bridge Street.
  33. II 47 & 49 and attached iron railings and attached archway Photos
    Now forming the corner to the pedestrian access to the car-park to rear of shops on S Bridge Street.
  34. II 47, Old Market Street, Usk, Usk Photos
    At the W end of the S range of the street opposite the Market Hall. Set back behind a small front garden.
  35. II 5, Maryport Street, Usk, Usk Photos
    At the top of the street and attached to Barclays Bank.
  36. II 5, Twyn Square, Usk, Usk Photos
    Adjoining the former United Reformed Church at the top of the Square (E), set back from the road by a wide pavement.
  37. II 50, Maryport Street, Usk, Usk Photos
    Towards the upper end of the lower W range of Maryport Street, close to the junction with Old Market Street.
  38. II 58, Maryport Street, Usk, Usk Photos
    In the centre of the lower W range of Maryport Street and adjoining the New Court Hotel.
  39. II 59, Bridge Street, Usk, Usk Photos
    Part of the westernmost range on the S side of Bridge Street, adjacent to the listed Bank.
  40. II 60, Maryport Street, Usk, Usk Photos
    In the centre of the lower W range of Maryport Street and adjoining the New Court Hotel.
  41. II 67, Bridge Street, Usk, Usk Photos
    Very near the end of the westernmost range on the S side of Bridge Street and near the bridge.
  42. II 7, Maryport Street, Usk, Usk Photos
    At the top of the street and attached to Barclays Bank.
  43. II 9, Baron Street, Usk, Usk
    Situated in SW part of town, close to the River Usk; this short terrace is near the end of Baron Street.
  44. II 9, Maryport Street, Usk, Usk Photos
    The end building of the E terraced range in upper Maryport Street.
  45. II Ashley House Photos
    Towards the middle of the upper W range of Maryport Street, a prominent building on a larger scale than the flanking earlier cottages.
  46. II Baptist Church and attached iron railings Photos
    Near the junction with Maryport Street, set back a little from the road behind railings, with a rubble wall along E side.
  47. II Barclays Bank Photos
    A corner site with a similar elevation to each street and corner entrance; at the crossroads in the centre of the town and facing The Three Salmons Hotel.
  48. II Barn at Castle House
    Extending along the terrace of the former outer ward, W of and adjacent to Castle House.
  49. II Beech Hill House
    NW of the town, near the community boundary, on a hillside facing S in a parkland setting
  50. II Berry Tomb in St Mary's Churchyard Photos
    On N side of path in churchyard.
  51. II Bridge Street, and attached iron railings Photos
    Near the end of the N side of Bridge Steet, set back from neighbouring properties and fronted by railings.
  52. II Bridge Street, and iron forecourt railings Photos
    About 80m west of junction with Maryport Street
  53. II* Bridge Street, rear wing Photos
    30 Bridge Street
  54. II Buxton House and attached iron railings Photos
    Facing the former Town Hall and sharing the same roofline as number 37.
  55. I Castle House Photos
    Situated on the hillside a little NE of Usk town centre and below the Castle; surrounded by gardens and farmland.
  56. II Castle Parade House
    Immediately below Usk Castle, rear garden boundary with Castle House, fronting the main road but set back behind a high hedged garden.
  57. II Castle Vale, and attached iron railings Photos
    Adjacent to the Catholic church, the main frontage with garden facing the lane separating the two buildings; gable end facing the main road.
  58. II Church of St Francis Xavier and St David Lewis Photos
    To N of 24 Porthycarne Street, in small churchyard which backs onto Usk Castle.
  59. II Churchyard Wall & Gateways at Priory Church of St Mary Photos
    The churchyard wall surrounds the W, N, E and part of churchyard. Gates are at E and W.
  60. II Clemendy Cottage Photos
    At the top of the street, near Bridge Street, just at the point where New Market Street opens out.
  61. II Dairy Barn Photos
    Set back from the road junction between Four Ash Street, The Meadows and Chepstow Road.
  62. II Entrance Gateway to Plas-newydd Photos
    At entrance to grounds of Plas-newydd.
  63. II Entrance gateway to Porth-y-carn Photos
    orming the drive entrance, set back slightly from the pavement in a sem-circular bay.
  64. II Former coach-house to Ty Brith (5 Denbury Mews) and attached wall Photos
    The rear wall forms the end part of the S range of Twyn Square.
  65. II Former Livery and Bait Stables at the The Three Salmons Hotel Photos
    Directly opposite The Three Salmons Hotel.
  66. II Former Stable Wing at No.16 New Market Street (The Lawns) Photos
    Forming part of the road frontage of The Lawns property, integrated with the Garden Wall.
  67. II Garden gatepiers, gates and wall at Ty-Brith Photos
    At the SW corner of the property, set at an angle to and set back from the road, forming the entrance to the drive and adjoining the churchyard.
  68. II Garden Wall at No.16 New Market Street (The Lawns) Photos
    Extending along the street frontage of The Lawns and joining with the former stables.
  69. II Garden Wall at The Three Salmons Hotel Photos
    Extending from the side of the hotel along Bridge Street, enclosing the hotel garden.
  70. II Gazebo at Ynys Hafod
    Situated at rear of garden and close to bank of River Usk.
  71. II Gordon House Photos
    Roughly halfway along the N range of Bridge Street, stepped back from No.12.
  72. II* Henllys Photos
    Part of a long range in the middle of the W side of the street, with cobbled pavement in front.
  73. II Inn Between PH Photos
    Towards the W end of the S range of Bridge Street.
  74. II Ivy House, and attached irailings Photos
    The end house of the lower W range; adjacent to the Royal Hotel.
  75. II Kings Head Hotel Photos
    At the SW end of the street, on the corner with New Market Street and facing down Mill Street close to the former Town Hall.
  76. II Littlebank, and attached iron railings Photos
    At right angles to the road and next to The Old Bank House.
  77. II Matthews Tomb in St Mary's Churchyard Photos
    On S side of churchyard between Church Street gates and church.
  78. II Medieval Cross Base in St Mary's Churchyard Photos
    Near W entrance to churchyard at fork of 2 paths.
  79. II Medieval Tomb Effigy in St Mary's Churchyard Photos
    To N side of main path through churchyard, about 25 metres from gates.
  80. II Merlin Cottage Photos
    At the top of the street, near Bridge Street, just at the point where New Market Street opens out.
  81. II* Min Yr Afon Photos
    A long range in the middle of the W side of the street, with cobbled pavement in front.
  82. II Monmouthshire House, including front iron railings Photos
    The left house of a terrace of four, NE of the priory.
  83. II Morgan Tomb in St Mary's Churchyard Photos
    To N of path in churchyard, and NW of church.
  84. II Mulberry House Photos
    Set back from the road up a small drive.
  85. II National Westminster Bank Photos
    Part of the end terrace of the S range of Bridge Street before the bridge, set back from no. 59.
  86. II New Court Hotel Photos
    Just NW of The Sessions House.
  87. II Newmarket Cottage
    At the very lower E end of the street, on the corner with Old Market Street.
  88. II No.1 Old Market Street, and attached iron railings Photos
    On a corner site with Maryport Street, the main frontage facing the latter and attached to number 46; the entrance is on Old Market Street.
  89. II NO.10 New Market Street, Gwent Photos
    Adjacent to the King's Head Hotel and attached terrace and almost opposite the tall terrace of Nos. 17-27.
  90. II No.10 Priory Street, and attached iron railings Photos
    Part of the short listed range on the W side of the street, nearest to Twyn Square and opposite Ty Brith.
  91. II NO.12 Priory Street, Gwent Photos
    The N of a pair of houses at the S end of the listed range on the W side of the street, opposite the garden wall to Ty-Brith.
  92. II No.13 Mill Street, and forecourt wall & iron railings Photos
    About 50m south of junction with Old Market Street.
  93. II NO.14 Priory Street, Gwent Photos
    The S one of a pair of listed houses on the W side of the street facing the walled garden to Ty Brith.
  94. II No.15 New Market Street, and attached iron railings Photos
    Near the top of the E New Market Street range in the wider part of the street, adjacent to the Museum, set back behind a small front garden.
  95. II NO.18 New Market Street, Gwent Photos
    Near the centre of the W side of the street, adjoining the garden and former stable of The Lawns.
  96. II No.21 New Market Street, and attached iron railings Photos
    Roughly in the centre of the street, set back behind a shallow front garden with high hedge.
  97. II No.23 New Market Street, and attached irailings Photos
    Around the middle of the E range in the street.
  98. II No.24 Porthycarne Street, and attached iron railings Photos
    Adjacent to the Catholic church, at the foot of the bank on which stands the Castle; a little set back from the road behind a shallow forecourt.
  99. II No.3 Old Market Street, and attached iron railings Photos
    Adjacent to the chapel.
  100. II No.3 Porthycarne Street, and attached iron railings Photos
    Adjoins The Three Salmons Hotel.
  101. II NO.30 Maryport Street, Gwent Photos
    Part of a group set back from the road towards the lower end of the upper W range of the street.
  102. II No.31 New Market Street, and attached iron railings
    Towards the lower end of the E side of New Market Street, set back behind a small front garden.
  103. II NO.32 Maryport Street, Gwent Photos
    Part of a group set back from the road, towards the lower end of the upper W range of the street.
  104. II NO.37 New Market Street, Gwent
    Near the end of the lower E range, facing the Market Square.
  105. II No.37 Old Market Street, and attached railings Photos
    Facing into New Market Street opposite the former Town Hall, slightly set back from the pavement.
  106. II No.41 Old Market Street, and attached iron railings Photos
    Towards the centre of the range facing the Market Hall.
  107. II NO.42 Maryport Street, Gwent Photos
    One of a pair of houses occupying the corner of Old Market Street and Maryport Street, this house with frontage to latter set back behind forecourt.
  108. II No.5 Porthycarne Street, and attached iron railings Photos
    Forming the centre of the terrace extending N from The Three Salmons Hotel.
  109. II NO.51 Bridge Street, Gwent Photos
    On the W side of the pedestrian path to car-park at rear of S Bridge Street: shop access at side.
  110. II No.7 New Market Street, and attached iron railings Photos
    In the top part of the street, the wide area, in an inner corner position.
  111. II NO.8 Castle Street, Gwent Photos
    Situated about halfway along the street, below Usk Castle.
  112. II NO.9 Twyn Square, Gwent Photos
    In the centre of the E range of Twyn Square, adjacent to the Castle Inn.
  113. II NOS.1, 3 & 5 Twyn Square, Gwent Photos
    Adjoining the former United Reformed Church at the top of the Square (E), set back from the road by a wide pavement.
  114. II NOS.17, 19, 21, 23, 25, & 27 Old Market Street, Gwent Photos
    Part of a long range with doors opening onto pavement.
  115. II Nos.35 and 37 (part) Four Ash Street Photos
    Opposite the E end of the priory complex.
  116. II Nos.43 & 45 Old Market Street and attached iron railings Photos
    Part of the W section of the range facing the Market Hall, set back behind small front gardens.
  117. II Nos.43 & 45 Old Market Street, and attached iron railings Photos
    Part of the W section of the range facing the Market Hall, set back behind small front gardens.
  118. II NOS.44 & 46 Maryport Street, Gwent Photos
    One of a pair of houses occupying the corner of Old Market Street and Maryport Street, this house with frontage to latter set back behind
  119. II NOS.5 & 7 New Market Street, Gwent Photos
    At the upper end of the street,near the corner with Bridge Street; side elevation adjoining street, frontage facing down the widened street.
  120. II NOS.7-13 (Odd Nos.) Baron Street, Gwent
    Situated in SW part of town, close to the River Usk; this short terrace is near the end of Baron Street.
  121. II Old Bank House, and attached iron railings Photos
    Adjacent to the former stable range of The Three Salmons Hotel.
  122. II Old School House and Holmleigh Photos
    Near N corner of Church Street.
  123. II* Olde Malsters Photos
    At the top wide part of the street, side elevation to passageway now leading to car-park at rear of Bridge Street, adjacent to Museum.
  124. II Plas-newydd Photos
    On the N borders of the town just S of the railway bridge; set back from and above the road within gardens.
  125. II* Porth-y-carn Photos
    Just N of town centre and set back from the road in a garden, reached by a short drive and backing onto the River Usk.
  126. I Priory Church of St Mary Photos
    A town centre church, just S of the main thoroughfare with large walled churchyard to W,N and E.
  127. II Railings and gates at The Sessions House Photos
    Fronting the Court House premises, separating the grounds from the pavement.
  128. II Railings and Gates at Ynys Hafod and Min Yr Afon Photos
    Fronting the whole range of this complex.
  129. II Riverside House, and attached iron railings Photos
    In the centre of the lower W range, opposite the war memorial.
  130. II Section of churchyard wall linking gatehouse and priory church Photos
    At SW corner of churchyard.
  131. II South African War Memorial in front of The Town Hall Photos
    On the triangular central plot at the S part of New Market Street, a short distance N of the Town Hall.
  132. II Stables at Ynys Hafod, New Market Street, Gwent Photos
    Set between the half-timbered number 18 and the long range of Ynys Hafod.
  133. II Tail End Photos
    Adjoining the Nag's Head PH, roughly in the centre of the W side of Twyn Square.
  134. II Telephone Call-box adjoining forecourt wall at United Reformed Church Photos
    On wide pavement with back to forecourt wall of church; No 1 Twyn Square to E.
  135. II Telephone Call-box adjoining No.72 Maryport Street Photos
    To rear of pavement and backing onto ground opposite the Court House.
  136. II Telephone Call-box outside Nos.26 & 28 Bridge Street Photos
    Situated with back to railed forecourt of No.28 Bridge Street
  137. II The Cardiff Arms PH and attached wing Photos
    A corner site, with elevation also to Bridge Street, close to the Bridge.
  138. II The Castle Inn Photos
    At the centre of the E range of Twyn Square, set back from the road by a wide pavement.
  139. II The Cross Keys Inn Photos
    Towards the W end of the N range of Bridge Street.
  140. II The Granary Photos
    Towards the lower end of the E range of Twyn Square.
  141. II The Greyhound Inn Photos
    Near the E edge of the town, and a short way E of the priory churchyard, on a corner site; Chepstow Road is the continuation of Four Ash Street.
  142. II The Jubilee Clock Photos
    In the centre of Twyn Square, within a cobbled surround which also acts as a roundabout.
  143. II The Laurels, and attached iron railings, gate piers and barn Photos
    At the N end of the terrace extending from The Three Salmons Hotel.
  144. II The Lawns Photos
    Set back from the street and building line in a large walled garden and reached by a drive.
  145. II The Midland Bank, and attached iron railings Photos
    Forming the upper W corner of Twyn Square with side elevation to Castle Parade.
  146. II The Nag's Head PH Photos
    Near the top of the W side of the square; set back from adjoining No.2, the bank and from No.8.
  147. II The Nook, and attached iron railings Photos
    At the upper end of the street, the wide area, at right angles to Nos. 5 & 7.
  148. II The Old Bakery Photos
    Forming the lower end of the E range of Twyn Square on the corner with Four Ash Street.
  149. II The Old Grammar School and attached iron railings Photos
    Towards the top of Maryport Street and facing down Church Street towards the Priory.
  150. II The Priory Photos
    Facing the S side of the priory church, entered by a drive through the gatehouse and surrounded by gardens.
  151. I The Priory Gatehouse Photos
    At right angles to the churchyard entrance, on a corner site, facing up Priory Street to Twyn Square.
  152. II The Royal Hotel Photos
    At the W end of the street, facing the Market Hall, at the junction with Old Market Street.
  153. II* The Sessions House including balustraded terrace. Photos
    Towards the S edge of the town, adjacent to the prison.
  154. II The Three Salmons Hotel Photos
    A central situation within the town, in a corner position with frontage onto Porthycarne Street and long side elevation to Bridge Street.
  155. II The Town Hall Photos
    In a prominent position, occupying the centre of the S part of the street at its widest point, on a triangular plot which incorporates the South African War Memorial.
  156. II* The Usk Bridge (partly in Llanbadoc Community) Photos
    On the west side of Usk; carries the A472 across the river.
  157. II The White Hart PH Photos
    A corner position in the centre of town, by the main cross roads, opposite the Three Salmons Hotel.
  158. II Ty Basket Photos
    A corner position, just below Usk Castle.
  159. II Ty Brith Cottage Photos
    N elevation forms the lower side of Twyn Square. It is the main building on the E side of Priory Street between the Square and the priory church.
  160. II Ty Brith, and attached courtyard wall Photos
    N elevation forms the lower side of Twyn Square. It is the main building on the E side of Priory Street between the Square and the priory church.
  161. II Ty Celyn, former kennel/stable building to Ty-Brith and attached wall Photos
    Together with the side elevation of Ty Brith forms the S range of Twyn Square.
  162. II Ty Cornel Photos
    In a prominent position near the junction with Twyn Square, end on to the main road, facing towards Bridge Street.
  163. II Ty Tadcu Photos
    Near the middle of the N range of Bridge Street.
  164. II Ty'r Ardd (Garden House) Photos
    N elevation forms the lower side of Twyn Square. It is the main building on the E side of Priory Street between the Square and the priory church.
  165. II Ty'r Goron (Crown House) Photos
    On street line about 30 metres S of Bridge Street.
  166. I Usk Castle and precincts
    On a spur on the hillside a short distance NE of the town.
  167. II* Usk Prison Photos
    On a large site N in a dominant position in the landscape of the low-lying S area of the town.
  168. II Usk Rural Life Museum Photos
    In the upper part of the wide street, side elevation facing passage now leading from new Market Street to car-park at rear of bridge Street, between Nos. 11 & 15.
  169. II Wall to Castle Parade House Photos
    On N side of Castle Parade, forming S boundary of Castle Parade House to Road.
  170. II Wellesley House and Wellesley Coach House, and attached iron railings Photos
    Towards the lower E end ot the street with cobbled pavement in front.
  171. II Wood Cutter's Cottage Photos
    Part of a group set back from road with cobbled forecourts and stone-flagged paths.
  172. II Wyatt and Nichol Family Graves in St Mary's churchyard Photos
    Group of three closely-related graveslabs, within railed enclosures, sited under a mature beech tree towards NW corner of the churchyard.
  173. II* Ynys Hafod Photos
    A long range in the middle of the W side of the street, with cobbled pavement in front.
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