History in Structure

Listed Buildings in Butetown, Cardiff

  1. II 1 Windsor Esplanade, SOUTH GLAMORGAN Photos
    Reached from Industrial Museum via Stuart St and Dudley St. Long domestic terrace of 19 houses facing SSE into Cardiff Bay. Set slightly back from road behind small forecourt gardens.
  2. II 1, Bute Place, SOUTH GLAMORGAN Photos
    Stepped down from Cory's Buildings
  3. II 10 Windsor Esplanade, SOUTH GLAMORGAN Photos
    Reached from Industrial Museum via Stuart St and Dudley St. Long domestic terrace of 19 houses facing SSE into Cardiff Bay. Set slightly back from road behind small forecourt gardens.
  4. II 11 Windsor Esplanade, SOUTH GLAMORGAN Photos
    Reached from Industrial Museum via Stuart St and Dudley St. Long domestic terrace of 19 houses facing SSE into Cardiff Bay. Set slightly back from road behind small forecourt gardens.
  5. II 12 Windsor Esplanade, SOUTH GLAMORGAN Photos
    Reached from Industrial Museum via Stuart St and Dudley St. Long domestic terrace of 19 houses facing SSE into Cardiff Bay. Set slightly back from road behind small forecourt gardens.
  6. II 122, Bute Street, SOUTH GLAMORGAN Photos
    Opposite Dock Chambers.
  7. II 123, Bute Street, SOUTH GLAMORGAN Photos
    Opposite Dock Chambers.
  8. II 124, Bute Street, SOUTH GLAMORGAN Photos
    Opposite Dock Chambers.
  9. II 126, Bute Street, SOUTH GLAMORGAN Photos
    Splayed building at junction of Bute Street and West Bute Street.
  10. II 13 Windsor Esplanade, SOUTH GLAMORGAN Photos
    Reached from Industrial Museum via Stuart St and Dudley St. Long domestic terrace of 19 houses facing SSE into Cardiff Bay. Set slightly back from road behind small forecourt gardens.
  11. II 14 Windsor Esplanade, SOUTH GLAMORGAN Photos
    Reached from Industrial Museum via Stuart St and Dudley St. Long domestic terrace of 19 houses facing SSE into Cardiff Bay. Set slightly back from road behind small forecourt gardens.
  12. II 15 Windsor Esplanade, SOUTH GLAMORGAN Photos
    Reached from Industrial Museum via Stuart St and Dudley St. Long domestic terrace of 19 houses facing SSE into Cardiff Bay. Set slightly back from road behind small forecourt gardens.
  13. II 16 Windsor Esplanade, SOUTH GLAMORGAN Photos
    Reached from Industrial Museum via Stuart St and Dudley St. Long domestic terrace of 19 houses facing SSE into Cardiff Bay. Set slightly back from road behind small forecourt gardens.
  14. II 17 Windsor Esplanade, SOUTH GLAMORGAN Photos
    Reached from Industrial Museum via Stuart St and Dudley St. Long domestic terrace of 19 houses facing SSE into Cardiff Bay. Set slightly back from road behind small forecourt gardens.
  15. II 18 Windsor Esplanade, SOUTH GLAMORGAN Photos
    Reached from Industrial Museum via Stuart St and Dudley St. Long domestic terrace of 19 houses facing SSE into Cardiff Bay. Set slightly back from road behind small forecourt gardens.
  16. II 19 Windsor Esplanade, SOUTH GLAMORGAN Photos
    Reached from Industrial Museum via Stuart St and Dudley St. Long domestic terrace of 19 houses facing SSE into Cardiff Bay. Set slightly back from road behind small forecourt gardens.
  17. II 2 Windsor Esplanade, SOUTH GLAMORGAN Photos
    Reached from Industrial Museum via Stuart St and Dudley St. Long domestic terrace of 19 houses facing SSE into Cardiff Bay. Set slightly back from road behind small forecourt gardens.
  18. II 20, Mount Stuart Square, SOUTH GLAMORGAN Photos
    At the western end of this side of the square stepped down from Baltic House to left, facing the former Coal Exchange.
  19. II 3 Windsor Esplanade, SOUTH GLAMORGAN Photos
    Reached from Industrial Museum via Stuart St and Dudley St. Long domestic terrace of 19 houses facing SSE into Cardiff Bay. Set slightly back from road behind small forecourt gardens.
  20. II 3, Bute Esplanade, SOUTH GLAMORGAN Photos
    Facing south on Bute Esplanade.
  21. II 3, Bute Place, SOUTH GLAMORGAN Photos
    Stepped down from Cory's Buildings.
  22. II 33 West Bute Street, SOUTH GLAMORGAN Photos
    33 West Bute Street
  23. II 34 & 35 Photos
  24. II 36 & 37 Photos
  25. II 4 Dock Chambers (Emlyn House) Photos
    Long range to right of Pascoe House; formerly gardens to S. Dock Lane to E.
  26. II 4 Windsor Esplanade, SOUTH GLAMORGAN Photos
    Reached from Industrial Museum via Stuart St and Dudley St. Long domestic terrace of 19 houses facing SSE into Cardiff Bay. Set slightly back from road behind small forecourt gardens.
  27. II 4, Bute Esplanade, SOUTH GLAMORGAN Photos
    Facing south on Bute Esplanade.
  28. II 5 Dock Chambers (Emlyn House)
    Long range to right of Pascoe House; formerly gardens to S. Dock Lane to E.
  29. II 5 Windsor Esplanade, SOUTH GLAMORGAN Photos
    Reached from Industrial Museum via Stuart St and Dudley St. Long domestic terrace of 19 houses facing SSE into Cardiff Bay. Set slightly back from road behind small forecourt gardens.
  30. II 54b, Bute Street, SOUTH GLAMORGAN Photos
    Long range to right of Pascoe House; formerly gardens to S. Dock Lane to E.
  31. II 54c, Bute Street, SOUTH GLAMORGAN Photos
    Long range to right of Pascoe House; formerly gardens to S. Dock Lane to E.
  32. II 58, Mount Stuart Square, SOUTH GLAMORGAN Photos
    Stepped down to right of Empire House opposite the former Coal Exchange.
  33. II 59, Mount Stuart Square, SOUTH GLAMORGAN Photos
    Stepped down to right of Empire House opposite the former Coal Exchange.
  34. II 6 Windsor Esplanade, SOUTH GLAMORGAN Photos
    Reached from Industrial Museum via Stuart St and Dudley St. Long domestic terrace of 19 houses facing SSE into Cardiff Bay. Set slightly back from road behind small forecourt gardens.
  35. II 6, Bute Crescent, SOUTH GLAMORGAN Photos
    Part of terrace facing E towards former Bute West Dock Basin.
  36. II 6, Mount Stuart Square, SOUTH GLAMORGAN Photos
    To right of Nos 4 & 5 set into a line of commercial properties midway along this side of the square; opposite the former Coal Exchange.
  37. II 7 Windsor Esplanade, SOUTH GLAMORGAN Photos
    Reached from Industrial Museum via Stuart St and Dudley St. Long domestic terrace of 19 houses facing SSE into Cardiff Bay. Set slightly back from road behind small forecourt gardens.
  38. II 7, Mount Stuart Square, SOUTH GLAMORGAN Photos
    To right of Nos 4 & 5 set into a line of commercial properties midway along this side of the square; opposite the former Coal Exchange.
  39. II 8 Windsor Esplanade, SOUTH GLAMORGAN Photos
    Reached from Industrial Museum via Stuart St and Dudley St. Long domestic terrace of 19 houses facing SSE into Cardiff Bay. Set slightly back from road behind small forecourt gardens.
  40. II 8, Bute Crescent, SOUTH GLAMORGAN Photos
    Part of terrace facing E towards former Bute West Dock basin.
  41. II 8, Mount Stuart Square, SOUTH GLAMORGAN Photos
    To right of Nos 6 & 7 set into a line commercial properties near the S nd of the square; opposite the former Coal Exchange.
  42. II 9 Windsor Esplanade, SOUTH GLAMORGAN Photos
    Reached from Industrial Museum via Stuart St and Dudley St. Long domestic terrace of 19 houses facing SSE into Cardiff Bay. Set slightly back from road behind small forecourt gardens.
  43. II 9, Mount Stuart Square, SOUTH GLAMORGAN Photos
    To right of Nos 6 & 7 set into a line commercial properties near the S nd of the square; opposite the former Coal Exchange.
  44. II Aberdare House Photos
    Detached opposite the SW corner of the former Coal Exchange.
  45. II Baltic House Photos
    Occupying most of the south side of the Square opposite the main entrance of the former Coal Exchange. Formerly the site of three houses and an Independant Chapel.
  46. II Baltimore Hotel Photos
    Stepped down to right of the National Westminster Bank.
  47. II Bonded Warehouse Photos
    At N end of Bute East Dock.
  48. II Bridge over Dock Feeder Canal Photos
    Crosses former Junction Canal to W of Spillers and Bakers.
  49. II Bridge over Dock Feeder Canal Photos
    Crosses Junction canal to E of right-angle bend.
  50. II Bute West Dock Basin, including Sea Walls and Catch Pit Photos
    Sea walls running east from south of Industrual and Maritime Museum to entrance to former Bute East Dock. Bute West Dock basin between and behind Pier Head Building and Industrial & Maritime Museum. C
  51. II Cambrian Buildings Photos
    On corner of Mount Stuart Square and West Bute Street. Cambrian buildings faces Square, Cymric Buildings West Bute Street.
  52. II* Cardiff Bay Station Photos
    On exposed corner site with long side parallel to Bute Street
  53. II* Cardiff Exchange Building Photos
    Prominently sited occupying the whole of the central area of the square.
  54. II Cast Iron Posts and Railings to E of Dock Lane Photos
    Dock Lane is to the E of Bute Street, and runs from Pascoe House to the former Mercantile Marine Office.
  55. II Central Station (Main entrance is in community of Castle) Photos
    Main entrance in castle Square; rear entrance from car park in Penarth Road.
  56. II Coptic House Photos
    Set into a line of commercial properties midway along this side of the square; opposite the former Coal Exchange.
  57. II Cory's Building Photos
    Dominant commercial building at the crossroads near the S end of the street, on the NE corner with Bute Place.
  58. II Crichton House Photos
    To right of and stepped up from No 10
  59. II Cymric Buildings Photos
    On corner of Mount Stuart Square and West Bute Street. Cambrian buildings faces Square, Cymric Buildings West Bute Street.
  60. II Dead End Saloon Photos
    Part of terrace facing E towards former Bute West Dock Basin.
  61. II Dock Walls of Roath Basin, including Sea Walls and Sea Lock, Walls of Locks, and Dry Docks Photos
  62. II Eli Jenkins Photos
    Part of terrace facing E towards former Bute West Dock basin.
  63. II* Empire House Photos
    Dramatically stepped up near the end of a long line of buildings on the N side of the square and opposite the former Coal Exchange.
  64. II Flat Holm Lighthouse
    Situated on a small promontory at the SE corner of the island, within the bank-and ditch enclosure of the 1869 fort.
  65. II Former Fog Station including former keeper's house and enclosure walls
    Situated close to the cliff about half-way along the E shore of the island.
  66. II Former H.M.Customs and Excise Office Photos
    Between W corner of Roath Basin and sloping sea wall.
  67. II Former H.M.Immigration Office Photos
    Stepped down to left of Cory's Building; detached to left. Includes attached screen wall to right.
  68. II Former Isolation Hospital (Main Block) Flat Holm Island
    Situated on rising ground towards the centre-west of the island; formerly grouped with ancillary buildings in hospital compound.
  69. II Former Warehouse (The "D" Shed) Photos
    About 10m north of junction with Bute Place.
  70. II Greek Orthodox Church of St Nicholas Photos
    On a small, square site, to N of St Mary's Church. Set back to W of Bute Street from which it is reached via North Church Street. Presbytery to the front.
  71. II Kilsby and Williams Photos
    Stepped up from Perch Buildings to left.
  72. II Laundry Building to former Isolation Hospital, Flat Holm
  73. II Lloyd's Bank Photos
    At the NE corner of the square opposite Barclays Bank and the former Coal Exchange building.
  74. II Locky's Cottage (former Workmen's Hut at Sea Lock to Roath Basin Photos
    On NW side and parallel to lock approximately 20 metres from inner lock gate.
  75. II Marine House Photos
    At the western end of this side of the square stepped down from Baltic House to left. Facing N onto former Coal Exchange.
  76. II Marquess of Bute's Warehouse Photos
    Sited well back from Lloyd George Avenue beyond adjoining warehouses, formerly on N quayside of Bute West Dock (now filled in). N front visible from Herbert Street at bridge over dock feeder.
  77. II Meandros House Photos
    Long range to right of Pascoe House; formerly gardens to S. Dock Lane to E.
  78. II Midland Bank Photos
    Large commercial building on corner of Bute Street and James Street.
  79. II Mount Stuart Graving Dock No.1 Photos
    Former Mountstuart Shiprepairing Yard is between Stuart Street and Dudley Street. Graving Dock No 1. is the eastmost dock of the group of 3 dry docks in the yard.
  80. II Mount Stuart Graving Dock No.2 Photos
    Former Mountstuart Shiprepairing Yard is between Stuart Street and Dudley Street. Graving Dock No 2 is the central dock of the group of 3 dry docks in the yard.
  81. II Mount Stuart Graving Dock No.3 Photos
    Former Mountstuart Shiprepairing Yard on triangular site between Stuart Street and Dudley Street. Graving Dock No 3 is the westernmost of the group of 3 dry docks in the yard.
  82. II Mount Stuart House Photos
    On the corner with James Street. Main entrance to NE corner, facing entrance lane to Mount Stuart Square.
  83. II* National Westminster Bank Photos
    Prominent bank building midway along the street with W elevation opposite the entrance to Mount Stuart Square.
  84. II Norwegian Church Arts Centre Photos
    To the south of the Senedd on the west side of Harbour Drive, near the entrance to Roath Basin.
  85. II Ocean Building Photos
    At southern end of terrace, facing E over former Bute West Dock Basin.
  86. II Oil Store and enclosure walls at Flatholm Lighthouse
    The walls enclose the lighthouse compound and an adjacent allotment, within the bank and ditch enclosure of the 1869 fort; the oil store is aligned with the entrance to the lighthouse, close to the al
  87. II One of a Pair of Navigation Lamps to E of Bute West Dock Basin Photos
    Between Bute West Dock entrance and Pier Head Building.
  88. II One of a Pair of Navigation Lamps to E of Bute West Dock Basin Photos
    Between Bute West Dock entrance and Pier Head Building.
  89. II Parish Church of St Mary the Virgin and St Stephen the Martyr, including forecourt wall and railings Photos
    Set back from the road behind small railed forecourt with crucifixion; stone gate piers to entrances at either end.
  90. II Pascoe House Photos
    Opposite the junction of Bute Street and West Bute Street and on the opposite corner of the new road from Cardiff Bay Railway Station; Dock Chambers to right and Dock Lane to left.
  91. II Phoenix Buildings Photos
    Immediately to S of Lloyds Bank.
  92. I Pier Head Building Photos
    Faces S across Cardiff Bay. To E of the Industrial and Maritime Museum, between entrances to Bute East and West Docks.
  93. II Pillar Box Outside Cambrian Buildings. Photos
    Outside Cambrian Buildings.
  94. II Pillar Box Outside former Coal Exchange Photos
    On the pavement outside former coal exchange, opposite No 6 Mount Stuart Square.
  95. II Pillar Box Outside Royal Bank of Scotland Photos
    To xxx of Royal Bank of Scotland.
  96. II Power House at Mount Stuart Graving Docks Photos
    On SW side of Graving Dock No 3, close to its dock gates.
  97. II Premises occupied by Jacob's Antique Market Photos
    Immediately S of railway bridge, and adjoining Jacobs antique market of which building is now part.
  98. II Railings & Gates behind Scott's Brasserie (Former Pilotage Office) Photos
    Near SW corner of Former Pilotage Office.
  99. II Railway Bridge over Dock Feeder Photos
    Carrying the railway to Bute Road over the Dock Feeder at a skewed angle, immediately S of the main line; beside an industrial estate.
  100. II Railway Overbridge Photos
    To S of junction with Herbert Street.
  101. II Royal Bank of Scotland Photos
    On triangular corner site at junction of Bute Street and West Bute Street.
  102. II Scott's Brasserie (Former Pilotage Office). Photos
    Detached to NE of the Graving Docks and immediately to left of The Big Windsor PH.
  103. II Sea Wall and Lock of Bute East Dock Basin Photos
    To E of entrance to Bute West Dock Basin.
  104. II Sea Wall to East of former Mount Stuart Shiprepair Yard
  105. II Seaway House Photos
    Long range to right of Pascoe House; formerly gardens to S. Dock Lane to E.
  106. II Signal Platform in Bay Photos
    In bay, S of Industrial and Maratime Museum, approximately 60 metres from sea wall.
  107. II Signal Platform in Bay Photos
    In bay, S of Industrial and Maritime Museum, approximately 100 metres from sea wall.
  108. II Sloping Stone Sea Wall between Entrance to Bute East Dock and Roath Basin, including 5 Dolphins Photos
  109. II Spillers and Bakers Photos
    To S of Junction Canal of Bute East Dock, on corner of Schooner Way and Llansannor Drive.
  110. II St Line House Photos
    Stepped up from Nos 58 & 59; Cambrian Buildings to right.
  111. II Statue of Second Marquess of Bute Photos
    On S of Callaghan Square.
  112. II Telephone Call Box adjoining E Side Of The Former Coal Exchange Photos
    On the pavement immediately outside the former Coal Exchange building; opposite Lloyds Bank.
  113. II The Big Windsor Photos
    On corner to W of Pilotage Building.
  114. II The Jug & Platter (Formerly The Bute Dock) Photos
    Stepped down to left of the National Westminster Bank near the entrance to Mount Stuart Square. Docks Non-Political Club to rear.
  115. II The Point (Formerly St Stephen's Church) Photos
    On compact site on the southern side of this north-eastern arm of Mount Stuart Square; on the corner with West Bute Street.
  116. II Warehouse Adjacent to Marquess of Bute's Warehouse Photos
    Sited well back from Lloyd George Avenue, formerly on N quayside of Bute West Dock (now filled in). N front visible from Herbert Street. Adjacent to Marquess of Bute's Warehouse, and with S front alig
  117. II Warehouse on corner of Lloyd George Avenue and Herbert Street Photos
    Sited on corner of Lloyd George Avenue and Herbert Street, formerly on N quayside of Bute West Dock, (now filled in).
  118. II White Hart Public House Photos
    Opposite Merthyr House, 20m E of corner with former Glamorgan Canal.
  119. II Workmen's Hut at Sea Lock to Roath Basin Photos
    On SE side and parallel to lock, approx. 40 metres from outer lock gate.
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